Page 45 of The Rookie's Sister

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“Could’ve fooled me,” I laugh, mentally cataloging his improvements over the past week. His fundamentals are getting tighter, reactions sharper. He’s still got a long way to go, but the raw potential is undeniable. Makes me think of myself as a cocky rookie trying to prove my worth.

We run through a few more routes, Jeff gaining confidence with each diving catch. By the time we wrap up, there’s a new lightness to his step that wasn’t there before.

“Keep this up and you’ll earn that starting spot in no time,” I say, clapping him on the back. Jeff beams, guzzling water like he just won the Super Bowl.

A sudden flash of color catches my eye from across the empty stands. I glance up to see a lone figure sauntering toward us, her hips swaying in a way that’s all too familiar. Rachel. A knot forms in my gut. This can’t be good.

“Why don’t you start on those receiving drills we went over,” I suggest, keeping my voice neutral despite the alarm bells sounding in my head. Jeff nods and jogs to the end zone to practice his footwork.

Rachel sashays up, ruby lips curled in a coy smile. Her strapless sundress clings to every curve. “Funny running into you here, X,” she purrs, pointedly ignoring Jeff. “You’re looking as fine as ever.”

My laugh comes out sharp as a knife. “Let’s cut the bull, Rach. What do you want?”

Her smile widens, all saccharine sweetness. “You, of course. I’ve missed you, baby.” She reaches out to trail manicured nails down my arm. I jerk away.

“That’s not happening. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’ve got practice.” I turn, but Rachel grabs my wrist with startling force.

“Don’t play hard to get, Xavier,” she hisses, all pretenses gone. “We both know little Miss Prissy can’t handle you. Not like I can.”

I wrench my arm away, temper flaring. “This obsession with Emma needs to stop. I’m with her now. Accept it.”

I’m about to walk away when Rachel suddenly closes the gap between us. Before I can react, she crushes her lips to mine, fingers tangling roughly in my hair. For one stunned second, old muscle memory takes over. Then my mind kicks into gear and I shove her back forcefully.

“What the hell, Rachel?” I spit out through gritted teeth, swiping at my mouth. Her lipstick stains the back of my hand like blood.

That’s when I see Emma across the field, frozen mid-step. Her cheeks are flushed, eyes glassy with hurt. The sight hits me like a sack to the gut.

“Emma, wait—” I start toward her, hand raised helplessly. But she whips around without a word and starts marching back toward the offices, spine ramrod straight.

Rachel trails one lacquered nail down my chest, smirking. “Looks like you’re going to need that second chance after all.”

I slap her hand away, seething. “You’re pathetic, Rachel. This little game of yours ends now.”

Her eyes narrow to slits. For a second, real hatred flickers there beneath the batted lashes and pouty lips. Then she turns on her heel and sashays away, leaving only the cloying scent of her perfume behind.

I rake both hands through my sweat-soaked hair, pulse thudding wildly. What a spectacular shitshow. I need to find Emma, explain what happened—

“Yo, what the hell was that?” Jeff demands, jogging up with a scowl. I curse internally. Great, just what I need. Another complication in an already FUBAR situation.

I raise both hands in a calming gesture. “Listen, that was my ex Rachel. She’s...unstable. Came here trying to mess with my head.”

Jeff crosses his arms, unconvinced. “Looked like you two have history.”

“Ancient history,” I say firmly. “She’s just jealous I’m with Emma now.”

Doubt still clouds Jeff’s face, so I clap a hand on his shoulder. “You’ve got nothing to worry about, kid. My only interest is helping you succeed. Rachel showing up won’t change that.”

After a tense beat, Jeff finally nods. “Yeah...yeah, okay. I trust you, man.”

I let out a breath I didn’t realize I was holding. Crisis averted, for now at least. But I still need to find Emma before this spirals further out of control.

“Keep running those drills,” I tell Jeff. “I’ve got something to take care of, but I’ll be back soon.”

He gives me a mock salute and trots off. As I jog toward the offices, nerves and anger battle inside me. I should’ve known Rachel would try something like this. She’s always been petty and vindictive, unable to stand being upstaged. Looks like her claws came out when she saw me moving on with Emma.

My hands curl into fists just thinking about it. I was a fool to let her manipulate me as long as she did. Playing games with her. But Emma—Emma’s different. Kind, principled, challenging me to be better in ways I’m still figuring out. If Rachel’s little stunt ruins what we’re building...

I pick up the pace as the office building comes into view, sweat dripping down my temples. But even as determination propels me forward, a worm of doubt gnaws at my gut.

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