Page 39 of The Rookie's Sister

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I bat his hand away, ignoring the tingles left in its wake. I need to keep my focus on my brother. What this is with Xavier is great, but I can’t count on it to last. My relationship with my family is constant, and that has to come first.

“I’ll have fun when Jeff has adjusted to playing in the NFL and the team.”

It comes out harsher than I intended. Xavier worked hard with Jeff to help prepare him. Xavier just chuckles, unfazed as always by my barbs.

“Ouch. Guess I’ll leave you to it then.”

As he turns to leave, he pauses in the doorway, dark eyes glinting.

“Offer’s still open if you want to grab that drink tonight. Might help get that stick out of your ass.”

Before I can retort, he disappears down the hall, whistling.

Damn him. I drop my head into my hands and groan. How does he always get under my skin like this? Pushing my buttons, stirring up emotions I’d rather keep buried. But no matter how much I try to fight it, there’s an undeniable spark between us. A grudging chemistry I can’t control.

Maybe all this would have been easier if I hadn’t slept with him…twice.

With effort, I force myself to refocus. There’s too much at stake for any distractions. Jeff’s career, Dad’s health, the mountain of responsibilities that never seems to shrink. I can’t let Xavier or my wayward feelings interfere with my priorities.

Work is my sanctuary, the one thing I can control. I dive back into the stats and schedules, determined not to let Xavier’s smug face creep into my thoughts again.

At least not until Holly drags me out tonight.

* * *

By the time Holly arrives, I’ve swapped my severe work attire for casual jeans and a silky camisole, my auburn hair falling in loose waves instead of its usual practical bun. I feel exposed without my professional armor, but the appreciative whistle Holly gives me as I slide into her convertible tells me I’ve achieved the desired effect.

“Damn, look at you!” she exclaims, pulling away from the curb. The early evening breeze whips through our hair. “Trying to give all the men a heart attack tonight?”

I laugh, feeling myself relax already in Holly’s bubbly presence. “Just following orders. You said look cute.”

“Uh huh, and you absolutely nailed it, girl.” Holly slants a sly look my way as she navigates through the bustling downtown streets. “Though I wonder if a certain football star might be at our destination tonight...”

I stiffen, staring resolutely out at the passing scenery. “I hope you didn’t tell him we’re going out. I told you, whatever Xavier and I had was just for show. Nothing real there.”

“Mm-hmm. Keep telling yourself that, honey.”

I don’t justify her teasing with a response. But the ghost of Xavier’s touch, his lips on mine, whispers traitorously that she might be right. I squash it down, steeling myself for a night of fun free from complicated entanglements.

Holly pulls up outside a stylish club, neon lights glowing against the dusky sky. The sidewalk throngs with well-dressed patrons waiting to get inside the exclusive hotspot. Holly tosses her keys to the valet and links her arm through mine.

“Ready for some fun?” Her eyes sparkle mischievously behind her cat-eye glasses.

As we bypass the long line and breeze inside on Holly’s VIP status, I feel myself letting go of the week’s stresses. The club’s mood lighting and rhythmic music work their magic, loosening the knots of tension I’ve carried for days.

Holly snags us spots at the polished bar. She orders us mojitos, and soon we’re clinking glasses, the fruity cocktail slipping down easily.

“To the weekend!” Holly toasts. I grin and echo her enthusiasm.

We chat and people watch, critiquing outrageous outfits and creating imaginary backstories for the club goers posing around us. Guys try to buy us drinks, but we wave them away. For now, I relax, caught up in the music and Holly’s infectious energy. For the first time in weeks, practices, meetings, and worries about Xavier, Jeff and Dad, don’t consume my thoughts. I’m just Emma again, out on a fun night with a friend.

As if reading my mind, Holly leans over conspiratorially. “So, are you going to tell me what’s got you so twisted up lately? And don’t say it’s nothing. I know you too well for that.”

I hesitate, debating how much to confess. But the alcohol and Holly’s compassionate gaze loosen my tongue.

“It’s just...everything with Dad’s health, and taking over for him with Jeff’s career, it’s a lot.” I stir the cocktail straw through the melting ice cubes. “I feel pulled in so many directions. I want to be there for Dad but also support Jeff. It’s like no matter what I do, I’m letting someone down.”

Holly covers my hand with hers, brow furrowing sympathetically. “Oh, honey, no one thinks you’re letting them down. I know you’ve expected yourself to take care of them since your mom passed, but you’re only human. You’ve stepped up for your family when they needed you most. No one expects you to handle it all perfectly.”

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