Page 51 of Diamond Dream

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“Well, if you change your mind, you know where to find me. In the meantime, maybe I can cheer you up with some good news?”

“Please do,” I say, not too proud to beg.

Almost giddy with excitement, A.J. tells me how well her plan to take down the stronzo is going. As his former secretary, Camilla, mentioned, there’s hard evidence of his secret. A.J. is close to tracking down the paper trail Camilla reported seeing during her time as his employee. A.J. believes that soon we’ll have indisputable proof that the man’s been cheating on his wife, even though the poor woman is the reason he became boss of the Italians in the first place.

When A.J. hangs up, I feel cautiously hopeful. Maybe our luck is finally turning around. If that’s the case, then there’s no better time than the present for me to strike.

I grant myself the luxury of a daydream for a brief moment, mentally visualizing how terribly furious the stronzo will be once he realizes the diamond is gone and there’s nothing he can do about it—not anymore. I even picture Nik’s astonished expression when I finally present him with the Flame of Mir.

Nik and I will finally be equals. And hopefully, this will allow us to move on and forward. Who knows? Maybe he’ll finally realize he can trust me. It might even give us the morale boost we need to power through this ordeal with McGuire—preferably without starting a war among the Seven Families.

It’s all wonderful to think about. But until I make it happen—until I actually have the Flame of Mir in my hands—it’s just wishful thinking, nothing more. As always, it’s up to me to make this dream a reality, and I know I’m up to the task. Unfortunately, I know Nik won’t share this belief. After last night, I’d have to be a fool to tell him my plan. Once all is said and done, I’m sure I’ll be able to look back at last night and think of Nik’s overprotectiveness as cute—and even kind of sexy. But right now, it makes him a liability to my plans to save us all. So telling him about them is out of the question. He is a risk I can’t afford.

Above all else, I can’t lose him. If he learns what the stronzo has put me through, he’ll go after the man without a second thought. I can’t allow that to happen under any circumstances. Not while his conflict with McGuire isn’t resolved. Besides, this isn’t Nik’s fight. It’s mine and A.J.’s. It’s a matter of pride for me that the stronzo’s downfall is brought on by my hand or hers. I’m not a damsel in distress, and I don’t want Nik to come to my rescue—especially not at great personal cost to himself.

There is no doubt in my mind that Nik will be livid once he learns what I’ve been keeping from him—let alone the lengths I went to make amends for the harm I caused him. But all will be well once it ends well. Once I’m safely back with the Flame of Mir as an olive branch, I’m positive he’ll forgive me. Eventually. Once I give him some sugar. But until then, dealing with him will be no picnic.

Just thinking about how worried and upset he will be until then makes my heart ache. He might be a controlling, possessive jerk at times, but he is my controlling, possessive jerk—and I’ll have no other. Despite all his faults, he’s also impossibly wonderful and caring—much more often than he’s a pain in the ass. The mere idea of bringing him pain and stress makes me sick to my stomach. Still, as always, I know that a girl’s gotta do what a girl’s gotta do.

All this thinking of Nik and pining for him makes it impossible for me to keep my distance for much longer. After our awful fight—and an entire night spent away from him—I suddenly feel an unbearable need to see him again. So, I exit the room to look for him, bracing myself for what I’m sure will be a very non warm welcome.

Surprisingly, he isn’t at his office. I walk around the penthouse somewhat aimlessly until I hear signs of life coming from the kitchen. Cautiously, I make my way there. I find Nik leaning against the counter, nursing a steaming coffee mug while not looking any more rested than I do.

“Hi,” I quietly say in greeting. Nik nods in reply, and I realize, after a long moment of uncomfortable silence, that’s all the answer I’m getting. With a forceful smile plastered on my face, I add, “I’ve been looking for you.”

“Well, here I am,” Nik says, moodily. His hair is a mess, and there are dark circles under his eyes. His black cashmere sweater is a wrinkled disaster, and he’s never looked scruffier.

“Any news about McGuire?” I ask.

Nik shakes his head no.

I sigh. “I don’t suppose you’re ready to consider that maybe—just maybe—he is not behind Maxim’s murder. And that maybe—just maybe—you should let cooler heads prevail and try to mend fences with him before it’s too late.”

He shoots me an exasperated and angry look as if he can’t believe I’m still thinking about this entirely reasonable and logical possibility. Men—I swear.

“I’ll take that as a no,” I say under my breath once it’s clear Nik won’t say anything. I’m aware I’ve hurt his feelings. But he’s hurt mine, too. Once again, I sigh. “Well, don’t let it ever be said that I don’t know how to take a hint. You don’t want me around, and this is, after all, your place. So I’m going out to take care of something important. Don’t say I didn’t warn you this time.”

Nik’s impassive, disinterested demeanor is gone in a flash. Directly looking at me for the first time since I entered the kitchen, he narrows his eyes at me. “Where?are you going?” he asks through gritted teeth.

“Out,” I say with a smile. “That’s all I can say for now.”

While taking a deep breath, Nik squeezes his eyes shut before rubbing a hand over his face, clearly struggling to keep his temper in check. His tone is deceptively calm when he speaks to me again. “Kat, unless you need to attend to some sort of life-and-death matter of the utmost importance and urgency, I must insist that you stay here for the time being. At least until McGuire is found.”

“As it happens, that’s my exact situation, Nik. There’s something I need to handle immediately. I’m doing this for us. Trust me.”

My emphatic reference to his inability to trust me doesn’t go unnoticed. He clenches his jaw so hard I worry for a second that he might crack one of his teeth. “What could be more important or urgent than staying out of danger?” he asks.

I shrug. “I can’t tell you. At least not yet. In due time, though, I will. Until then, you’ll just have to trust my judgment.”

Nik’s breathing grows shallow, and his complexion becomes remarkably flushed. Still, he takes a deep breath, seemingly trying to keep his temper under control. “Work with me here. Please,” he finally says.

“I’m only telling you I’m going out to avoid another argument, Nik. I don’t want you to worry. Once again, please don’t mistake what’s simply a courtesy on my part with me asking—or needing—your consent to come and go as I please. Which, may I remind you, you told me I didn’t need in the first place, back when we first started working together.”

I half expect him to lose his cool completely, but he surprises me. “Will you let me come with you at least?” he asks.

“Sorry, no,” I say, more gently than he deserves.

With a long-suffering sigh, Nik asks, “Can Dmitri come with you, then?”

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