Page 35 of Diamond Dream

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Kat enters the room. Naturally, just seeing her face is enough to make all rational thoughts vacate my mind. She smiles, and my heart practically somersaults in my chest.

She’s dressed in a black silk dress that hugs every delicious curve of her body. Her long, dark hair is down, flowing around her shoulders.

She narrows her eyes at me in mock accusation. “You promised me food. Croissants, I was told. And orange juice.”

“My word is my bond,” I say, rising from my chair. “Whatever my Kat wants, she gets.”

“Empty promises. Do you know what else is empty, miliy? My stomach.” She sighs. “Oh, hello, Dmitri. Nice to see you in one piece, too.”

“Hiya, Kat. I told you I’m a big boy. I can take care of myself,” Dmitri says, winking at her. I can’t bring myself to care about his unabashed flirting too much right now, not after everything that happened last night.

I find myself grinning at Kat’s new pet name for me instead. I come around the desk to grab her hand.

“Let’s go,” I say to her. “I have a reputation to protect. I can’t have you thinking I’m not a man of my word, can I?”

“Chop-chop, then, mister. Lead the way.”

In the kitchen, Kat’s over-the-top reaction to the baked goods she demanded makes me laugh, even as the strangest warm feeling spreads inside me.

She sighs, effusively kissing my cheek. “You’re a prince among men. A king, even.”

“I need you to do me a favor and bring this same energy tonight,” I say, pouring some coffee for myself and her.

Kat rolls her eyes at me, laughing. “Well, it is true that good food and drink are often the way to my heart.”

“I’ll make sure you have nothing but lobster and champagne, then. If only I’d known it was that easy this entire time…”

“Cute,” she says with a chuckle. “As far as you’re concerned, I’ve been pretty easy?—”

I scoff. “You can’t be serious.”

She shrugs. “It’s true. But I’ll have you know, I’m not that easy. You’re going to have to work for it, miliy.”

I brush a quick kiss on her lush lips. “Of that, I have no doubts.”

While smiling so beautifully it almost physically pains me, Kat shrugs. “It’s not like you didn’t know what you were getting yourself into.”

I wrap my hand around her neck and pull her closer until her face is a couple of inches away from mine. “You’re damn right, Kat. I knew exactly what I was getting myself into. Every step of the way.” Unable to restrain myself for a second longer, I kiss her hard, clasping her against me. “Now eat your food. You’re going to want your energy later.”

Kat’s lips curve in a dangerously tempting smile that has me straining against the zipper of my pants, not even a full hour after spilling myself inside her.

“Well, Nik, you certainly talk the talk. But will you walk the walk? I wonder…”

I lean forward towards her, narrowing my eyes at the little minx. “That sounds a lot like a challenge,” I say in a low voice. “Make my day, kiska, and call my bluff. You seem to have forgotten who you’re speaking to, so maybe it’s time I remind you.”

With a smirk, she asks, “Is that a threat or a promise?”

“Keep fucking around, and you’ll find out.”

Openly giggling now, she wraps her finger over the collar of my sweater, drawing me close enough for her to place a quick kiss on my lips.

The sound of her carefree, cheerful laugh warms me all the way to the pit of my stomach.

“I’ll never finish this meal if you keep shamelessly teasing me,” she says, playfully chiding me with a shake of her head. “And trust me, you don’t want to see me hangry. Now, please try not to be so irresistible for a moment, will you? Just so I can manage to take more than two bites of my flaky croissants before having to fight the urge to steal a kiss from you.”

“I don’t know why you’d feel the need to steal something I’m dying to give you.”

She sighs, pointedly glaring at me. “Nik, please! This is exactly what I’m talking about.”

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