Page 3 of Diamond Dream

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“Try it and see what happens. Try it, I’m begging you. You’ll make my day.”

“Miliy, please,” she says with a mock sigh. “We both know you’re all bark and no bite when it comes to me. I’m as safe as a kitten as far as you’re concerned.”

I can’t even pretend to look displeased. Not when she calls me by that pet name in Russian.

“You talk a big game for a girl ready to throw down with Edna fucking Smith to spare my feelings. That woman knows how to dissolve bodies in a vat of acid, Kat.” I shudder in mock horror. “It’s okay. You can admit it. You’re a little fond of me.” I wink at her, and she rolls her eyes, even as her smile grows.

“That’s for me to know and for you to wonder about,” she says against my lips, and I go from zero to sixty in a millisecond. She raises an eyebrow, smirking as she feels me harden against her stomach.

“Two can play this game, you know,” I say against her ear, nipping at it.

“Aw, Nik, don’t threaten me with a good time,” she says, repeating her words from what feels like a lifetime ago.

“There you are, Kat. I’ve been looking for you,” McGuire says, his rancid voice reverberating behind my back, the last place I want him to be.

Well, second last, at least. Anywhere but in Kat’s vicinity will do.

Kat shoots me a scorching hot look that promises me things I’ve only dreamed about before removing herself from my arms and turning to face the Irish mobster.

“Here I am, Patrick,” she says.

“Would you like that tour of the house now?” he asks with a smile, offering her his arm. He doesn’t invite me to tag along, of course.

Kat glances at me briefly, giving me the tiniest apologetic shrug. McGuire and anyone else would’ve missed it, but I’m so attuned to this woman and the slightest vibrations in her body that it could never escape me.

I give her a slight nod in response, in understanding.

Yeah, Kat, I was enjoying myself, too. I agree it sucks that this asshole interrupted us. And yes, I understand that we have a job to do, so you should go with him, even though it makes me die inside a little whenever I see you even breathing the same air as this miserable prick.

As McGuire leads Kat away toward the doorway, she looks over her shoulder at me and blows me a small kiss that he doesn’t even notice.

I wink at her, somehow managing to stop myself from killing the man right here and now, if for no other reason than for lusting after what’s mine.



“I still think we should give it a go,” I say over my champagne flute.

Nik sighs wearily. “I thought we had an understanding,” he says as he runs his fingers through his hair, making it my turn to sigh. His glossy, dark hair is my weakness. Although, at this point, maybe it’s more accurate to say that his everything is my weakness.

“No. You did your best to lay down the law, and I acted like I agreed with you then, fully intending to make you see things my way once the right moment presented itself. This is the right moment,” I say with a whisper, even though it’s probably unnecessary. As the night goes on and the liquor is freely poured, McGuire’s guests become rowdier and rowdier. Even the band our host has hired for the night is having a hard time competing with the crowd’s noise.

“It’s too risky.”

“Oh, come on, Nik. What’s the worst that could happen? Look at where we are.” I wave my hand, gesturing to all the women and men surrounding us on McGuire’s luxuriously built terrace. The warm night was too alluring, so the party moved outside.

“Make no mistake, Kat. This gathering won’t stop McGuire from doing whatever he wants if we piss him off. It surely wouldn’t stop me.” Nik shrugs, sipping his drink.

“Come on. He won’t think anything of it.”

Nik scoffs, giving me a look that doesn’t hide the fact that he doesn’t share my beliefs.

“He really won’t,” I say. “He told me all about Erin when he gave me the tour of the house. Even if he spots me speaking to her—which is a big if considering the size of this crowd—I’m sure he’ll assume I’m curious about the girl after hearing so much about her. Trust me.”

Nik sighs again. “You’re not going to drop this, are you?” he asks under his breath.

I give him my best smile. “Nope. See, you know me so well already, miliy.” I rise on my toes to kiss his cheek.

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