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With his head dipped, his thin lips claimed hers, forcing her mouth open and muffling her moans as his slimy tongue thrust across her tongue. She could taste the sour cocktail of alcohol and dehydration on his breath, yet despite her revulsion, she kissed back with equal gusto, tongues battling and teeth gnashing. Keeping up his brutal assault on her delicate womanhood, Sean held the lip lock until her oxygen-starved lungs began to burn. As he finally drew back, she snatched a quick breath before leaning up, catching his lower lip between her teeth and gnawing it savagely. Yelping in alarm, Sean’s hips suddenly bucked beneath, grinding deliciously against her bundle of nerves and making her gasp with delight as sparks of sweet pleasure burst behind her eyes.

Using her momentary distraction to escape, the fiery-haired delinquent moved downward, nipping a trail of fire down her milky flesh to the perky mounds of her breasts, the moist heat of his breath causing her skin to rise with goose bumps. He captured a coral pink nipple between his teeth and gnawed it like a piece of gristle. Feeling the sting of sharp-edged incisors tug her sensitised nub, her skin crawled but her desire grew and Mina began to squirm and writhe against his crude thrusts in search of greater pleasure. The rough treatment was enough to keep her on edge, making her nipples ache and her abused pussy yearn for attention, yet it remained far from adequate, keeping her only on the brink.

As he worked to get himself off, Sean didn't notice the titanic figure come up behind him until a squeaky voice said, “Hey Sean, I want to fuck her too.”

The announcement made the ginger go suddenly still. Slowly releasing her brutalised breast, his breathing rasping and his lust-fogged eyes narrowed, he shot a look back across his shoulder. Following his gaze, Mina found the imposing form of Victor standing over them, his hairless body stripped naked with a renewed erection barely visible between marble-chiselled thighs. Even in her deranged state, the sight was almost comical.

“Wait your turn, quick draw,” hissed Sean, a snide sneer twisting his lips as he laid another hard thrust into Mina to show his disdain.

“But I want to fuck her now!” Even in such an unnaturally high and squeaky voice, the unspoken threat was as clear and as deadly as a bare length of cold, naked steel and made all the clearer by the golem’s terrible look of determination. Sean's confidence evaporated beneath Victor's stern expression. His smile faltered and he glanced nervously between the lustful beauty lying beneath him and the muscular goon.

Mina was his prize. Sean had wanted her the very moment she had slinked past them in the doorway without a backwards glance, like they were beneath her. Well, now she was beneath him. He’d stolen her, made her get on her knees, and beg for his cock like the whore she was. Why should he share his toy with this thick headed brute?

But then, Victor was the only thing protecting him from Daniel and Mark’s terrible vengeance.

He was torn. Caught between a not so metaphorical rock and this soft lush place, but no more willing to give up his prize than he was willing to risk pissing off Victor and getting his ass kicked by her lovers-

His smirk returned, flashing a glimpse of predatory teeth and Mina felt her stomach roil with a forbidding sense of dread as his eyes settled upon her.

“Very well…” With a sudden burst of strength, Sean lurched sideways, rolling them over, causing her to gasp with alarm as her body was dragged with him and their positions switched. Finding herself sitting upright, she could only look dazedly between the pair, her world spinning until she felt hands curl around her hips and cool fingers hook between her buttocks, spreading her open and sending a foreign shiver racing up her spine. “Fuck her here.”

And the reality of her situation came crashing down as a cold wash cascading down her back.

“What! You’re- you’re joking, right? No! No you can’t! I don’t want- I’ve never- no!” she cried, trying to break free by thrashing violently and pushing away from Sean’s body, but the male’s grip was too strong and her current position meant her every motion caused the cock inside her to lurch. Her sensitised clitoris ground against his pelvis, sending reluctant pleasure shooting along her nervous system, weakening her resolve. Heart thundering, she threw a desperate look back over her shoulder at Victor, hoping against hope the brute might be repulsed by the suggestion of fucking her arse, but to her dismay his face seemed to light up at the prospect.

“Really? Cool!” In his jubilation, his voice sounded more like a giant mouse’s squeak than a voice, and in any other circumstance Mina would have found it a comical spectacle, but her thoughts were too consumed with dread. With bated breath, she watched the titan sinking to his knees behind her. Then unable to watch anymore, she looked away, starring doggedly ahead, refusing to look at either of them. Just the thought of seeing Sean’s cocky weasel smirk and pale eyes gleam victoriously was more than she could stand.

Hands seized her waist, huge and as rough as sandpaper against her softer skin, holding her steady as an immense bulk bore down on her from behind, pressing her farther down upon the shaft spearing her pussy. Then she felt it, the blunt, moistened tip of the brute’s cock, clumsily prodding the cleft of her buttocks. Three times he missed, and she couldn’t help but gasp as each jab bumped against her tailbone or her tender unaccustomed skin. When he hit his mark, she sensed a terrible pressure push against her anus, the tight little ring of muscle tightening on reflex, trying to keep the invading mass out. Regardless, Victor pushed on, forcing his cock’s tapered head through her sphincter into the dry heat of her virgin arse.

Eyes watering and palms braced against Sean’s chest, her nails bit into his flesh and her breath hissed through clenched teeth. Mina wanted to scream as she felt her body open, stretching to accommodate the hard length. Sharp, stinging pain burned outwards from her abused hole as the giant drove into her without mercy. She knew she needed to relax or the pain would only grow worse, but her muscles had tensed involuntarily and even Victor’s diminutive shaft felt suddenly huge.

“Ohh- fuck- yeah… she likes it, Victor. When you put your dick in her ass, this slut’s pussy got so tight I almost fucking blew a load. I- fuck- bet she can’t wait to get double barrelled…” moaned Sean, biding his time and remaining still beneath her, basking in the feeling of her inner walls clench around him as Victor forced her toned derriere to take him all in.

“It’s fucking incredible!” squeaked Victor, squeezing his eyes shut as he buried the last inch of his dick in her rectum, almost losing himself in her rear passage’s exquisite tightness. Saved only by the lingering desensitisation brought about by his last orgasm, he didn’t waste a moment and slowly dragged his length halfway out before driving back in, working his hips back and forth, sawing in and out of her bum, growling and panting like a wild beast.

Pinned between the two hard bodies, Mina had no choice but to weather the storm as unadulterated shame burned a hole in her soul and foreign, but not entirely unfamiliar, sensations savaged her body. Her arse was blazing yet no matter how much she wanted to ease the burning agony, to reach back and stop the burly bruiser, her body wouldn’t respond to her commands. Her tense muscles froze, and no words would form, so she was forced to endure the unweathering barrage. Then slowly, with fatigue and exhaustion beginning to take their heavy toll, her tired muscles began to relax and the fiery torment ravaging her anus melted away to leave a feeling of numbness before blooming into a feeling of deep tingling pleasure. It was far from jaw-dropping, but she could sense the pressure moving through her and, to her eternal disgust and self-loathing, she began to pant with elation at the sensation of each stroke getting faster and harder as Victor’s entrances became easier, until the brute was fucking her full force.

Then, sensing the change stirring within her, with a gay whoop, Sean began to move beneath her, his hips bucking and his crooked cock stabbing her depths, sending a shiver of abject pleasure rippling through her. Her body responded instinctively, a flurry of gasps and short moans escaping her throat at the feeling of their hard lengths driving into her, sending her soaring into a sexual haze.

N-no… this can’t be happening!

“What a dirty fucking slut. You like it, don’t you? Both your holes are twitching. I bet you just love taking two cocks at once like some back-alley whore. Yeah, that’s right… take them… take them, you horny fucking slut!” grunted Sean, emphasising each guttural slur with a sharp upwards thrust that rubbed along the slick roof of her grasping sheath and sent mini shocks pulsing through her core.

“Fu-fuck you… you bastards… no… no… not so hard!” she muttered, gnawing her bottom lip between her teeth to keep from uttering any further hints of desire as the pair began to fuck her in unison, her body rocking as they used both her nether holes for their pleasures. It was random and chaotic, with both men competing in a race to reach their gratification first, without a thought for a rhythm or coordination. One instant, they would drive into her as one, making her skin feel suddenly too tight and heart thunder, then Victor would draw out suddenly whilst Sean was still languishing in her muggy embrace and they would slide in and out of her successively, speeds varying until once again they would slam into her at once. It was dark and primitive and with none of the fluidity she needed to ride to release, just a barbaric hunger that constantly pummelled her fragile being, repeatedly dragging her towards a wretched peak only to suddenly cast her down.

Mina had never felt so ashamed. To know this was happening, and worse, that she was allowing it to happen, betraying everyone she held dear, made her feel like such a slut. Desperate to distract herself from the perverted reality of her situation, she glimpsed movement out of the corner of her eye and pivoted to see a naked Daniel moving around the mass of bodies to sit beside the equally naked Mark on the bed. They sat straight-backed, rigged and tense, a difficult silence hanging over them, their eyes darting around the room, not looking at each other but careful to avoid any glance towards the spectacle taking place before them in the centre of the room. Daniel took a breath, opened his mouth as if to speak, held it there, then shut it again, the do or die- first into the breach- momentum dying away as the weight of the night’s events suddenly bore down on them.

It was finally Mark who broke the stalemate. Though their exchange appeared heated, in her current state Mina hadn’t a hope of hearing what was being said over the barrage of grunts and moans filling her ears. She could only hope their friendship survived this ordeal.

A slender body moved round from her opposite side to stand in front of her, blocking her view of Mark and Daniel and presenting her with a very erect, cut penis. Confronted by the sudden vision of masculinity staring her in the eye, she glanced up, drinking in the gracefully willow frame and pale ivory skin, to find Charlie’s stubble-roughened face gazing placidly back down at her. Though he didn’t say a word, his meaning was plain. Knowing what he wanted, she saw little point in resisting. Opening her lips, she bent forward, taking his neglected phallus, its glistening crown, and its velvety length into her mouth. At the feeling of her soft lips as they wrapped around his sensitive manhood, Charlie gasped in sweet wonderment and his hands came up to fist in her dishevelled mass of yellow tresses. She began sucking him off while Sean and Victor continued pummelling her mercilessly from behind and below.

“Hey! Wait… guys… that’s not fair! I don’t want her hand again. I’ve already had a hand job! Now I want to fuck her too!” bawled Eric in a whining, childish tone, causing Mina to glance to her right where she could just make him out, standing on the edge of her vision, small and round and unashamedly stroking his renewed erection as he watched the scene unfold with unshed tears shining in his eyes. He made a pathetic spectacle, like a spoilt, fully-grown toddler crying for another bag of sweets.

“Ugh… Don’t be su-such a baby, Eric… Does it look like she has another hole for you to fuck? And I’m not about to share this tight pussy-fuck! Her pussy’s getting so wet from sucking Eric off, oh… yeah, that’s it! Squeeze my dick dry, slut- so shut up and just enjoy whatever you get,” snapped Sean, panting with pleasure as he drove into her at an ever more erratic pace, drawing closer and closer to his second release of the night. “You-you’re so pathetic, you should consider yourself the luckiest motherfucker on earth we even let you join in.”

“But Sean…”

“It’s alright Sean,” interrupted Victor. “You remember that girl I dated last year, Miranda? She had a thing for anal and would often stick her dildo up my arse while we were fucking, sometimes she would even fuck me with a strap-on she kept under her bed, so if the fat little piggy’s really that desperate he can-”

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