Page 30 of Fought and Freed
She pointed at him. “I’m paying you back.”
“You don’t have to. It’s not like I don’t have the money.” He brushed her words aside. “They would have been gone if I didn’t get these things early.”
“You need clothes,” Torr said excitedly. “I’ll pick you up tomorrow, and we can go shopping.”
Maddy tried to look enthusiastic but failed. “Yeah.”
“I don’t know about you, girl.” Torr shook her head, laughing. “I’ll be here at eleven tomorrow.”
As Maddy walked Lucca and Torr to the door to say goodbye to them, Jace turned to look at Skylar. “Excited for a little vacation?”
“You and me in a hotel suite?” Skylar rubbed his hand down Jace’s thigh. “Hell, yeah.”
Cody groaned. “Just remember we’ll all be there, so keep the sound down.”
Skylar smirked at his brother. “You’re just jealous.”
“Of you and Jace?” He shook his head. “You can have fun snuggling each other, and I’ll keep Maddy for myself.”
Maddy returned to the living room and sat beside Jace just as Ryder stood.
He leaned over to kiss her cheek. “I need to go to work.”
Skylar’s brow popped up. “Since when did you get a job?”
Ryder let out a huff. “Since about Halloween. I’m working as a bartender.”
Cody crossed his arms. “Is that why you’ve been leaving at weird hours and coming home smelling of perfume?”
“Yeah, it is. We’ve been friends for years, Cody.” Ryder’s fists clenched at his sides. “Out of everyone, I’d think you’d be the one to know me best, but I guess that isn’t the case. You instantly assumed I was cheating on Maddy.”
“What do you expect?” Cody shook his head. “You’re behaving the same as before she came into our lives.”
“She’s my soulmate, Cody, and I’d never hurt her like that. I’d jump in front of a bullet for her.” Ryder snarled and stormed toward the front door. “I’m done with this. I need to go.”
A second later, the door slammed shut.
Wow, what the hell just happened? Jace remembered Cody saying something had been going on with Ryder, but he couldn’t remember a time when the two men had ever fought.
“Fuck!” Cody turned around and gripped the fireplace. “I know him, and he’s not telling us the whole story.”
Maddy stood, walked to him, and rubbed his back. “He might not be telling us everything, but if I was him and you treated me that way, I wouldn’t want to talk to you, either. We have to trust that he’ll tell us everything when the time is right.”
She was right. Forcing Ryder to do anything was never a good idea. When he was ready, he would tell them. Until then, Cody needed to calm down.
If Maddy trusted him, then so should Cody.
As if he heard Jace’s thoughts, Cody gave a jerky nod. “I’ll try harder.”
With a last pat, she walked back to the couch and sat down.
“Hey, rich girlfriend, how about you buy me a new car?” Skylar grinned, breaking the tension in the room.
While Maddy giggled, Jace pushed Skylar. “Get real.”