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I nodded, feeling a flicker of hope. "Let’s go."

We geared up, adrenaline pumping through my veins. My mind was filled with worst-case scenarios, but I couldn’t let them take over. I had to stay focused.

We pulled up a distance away, parking out of sight. The property was an old warehouse, its windows dark and foreboding. We moved in cautiously, our weapons ready. Ramirez and I took point, the rest of the team fanning out to cover the exits.

I signaled for silence, straining to hear any sounds. My heart pounded in my ears, every creak and rustle amplified. We reached the entrance, and I nodded to Ramirez. He kicked the door open, and we swept inside.

The warehouse was empty, just a cavernous space filled with shadows. My frustration bubbled up, but I pushed it down. This was just one of many leads. We had to keep going.

We searched the place thoroughly, finding nothing but dust and old machinery. No signs of recent activity, no clues. I cursed under my breath.

"Let’s move," I said, my voice tight. "We’ll hit the next location."

As we headed back to the cars, Ramirez fell into step beside me. "We’ll find her," he said, his tone firm. "We’ve got a few more places to check."

I nodded, though the worry gnawed at me. We had to find her, and soon. Each minute she was with them was a minute too long.

The next location was a rundown motel on the edge of town, another one of Halverson’s properties. We parked a block away and approached on foot, splitting into two groups. Ramirez and I took the front, the others covering the back.

We entered the lobby, the smell of mildew and stale smoke hitting us. The place was nearly deserted, just a bored-looking clerk behind the counter. I flashed my badge.

"We’re looking for a woman, taken by force," I said, keeping my voice low and menacing. "Have you seen anything suspicious?"

The clerk’s eyes widened, and he shook his head. "No, sir. Nothing like that."

"Think harder," I growled, leaning closer. "Lives are at stake."

He swallowed, glancing nervously around. "There was a guy checked in last night. Looked like trouble. Room 12."

"Thank you," I said, already moving towards the hallway.

We moved quickly, reaching room 12. I nodded to Ramirez, and he kicked the door open. The room was empty, but it had been used recently. The bed was unmade, and there were signs of a struggle—broken furniture and scattered belongings.

"Damn it," I muttered, searching for any clues.

Ramirez found a discarded phone under the bed, its battery removed. "Looks like they left in a hurry."

"We’re close," I said, trying to stay hopeful. "They can’t be far."

We regrouped outside, updating the others. "Keep searching. They’re on the move, but they’re not far. We’ll find them."

As we checked the remaining locations, the tension grew. Each place we searched was a dead end, but we couldn’t give up. Heather’s life depended on it.

Finally, we reached the last location on the list—a secluded cabin in the woods. It was a long shot, but we had to check it out.

We parked at the edge of the woods, moving in on foot. The cabin was dark, with no signs of life. We approached cautiously, weapons ready. I signaled for silence, listening for any sounds.

There—a faint noise from inside. My heart leaped. This was it.

I signaled to Ramirez, and we moved in. He kicked the door open, and we swept inside, flashlights cutting through the darkness. The place was empty, but there were signs of recent activity—food, clothing, and a map spread out on the table.

"Check upstairs," I ordered, moving to the map. It showed various locations, some of them circled.

Ramirez returned, shaking his head. "Nothing. But they were here."

I studied the map, my mind racing. "They’re planning something. Look at this—routes, checkpoints. They’re on the move, but we can intercept them."

We called the others and briefed them on the new intel. "We’re heading to the next location. Stay sharp."

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