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"I don’t have concrete evidence yet, but I’ve seen some things that don’t add up."

I took a deep breath, processing the information. My suspicion had been correct, but I was not happy to be right. "We’ll deal with him after the raid," I said finally. "Right now, we need to focus on the shipment."

He leaned in, his lips brushing against mine in a tender kiss. I melted into him, the world fading away as we clung to each other. The kiss deepened, our desperation and fear translating into a fierce, passionate connection. We stumbled towards the bedroom, shedding clothes and inhibitions along the way.

In the dim light, his touch was electric, sending shivers down my spine. His hands roamed over my body, exploring, claiming. I gasped as his mouth found my neck, his teeth grazing my skin. The need to be close to him, to feel his warmth and strength, was overwhelming.

He lifted me onto the bed, his body pressing against mine. I arched into him, our movements frantic and desperate. His hands gripped my hips, holding me in place as he entered me, a moan escaping my lips. We moved together, our rhythm wild and unrestrained.

The tension built, each thrust bringing us closer to the edge. I clung to him, my body trembling with the intensity of our connection. As the climax hit, I cried out, my body arching against his. He followed, a groan of pleasure escaping his lips as he found release.

We lay there, our breathing slowing. The outside world, with all its dangers and threats, felt distant. For a moment, there was just us, a tangle of limbs and whispered promises.

"I love you," he whispered, his voice rough with emotion.

"I love you too," I replied, my heart swelling with the truth of it.

We lay there for a while, the silence comfortable. Eventually, he sighed, pulling away slightly. "I have to go."

"I know," I said, trying to keep the fear from my voice. "Be careful."

"I will," he promised, kissing me one last time.

Chapter Thirty-Nine


Istepped out of the house, the kiss with Heather still lingering on my lips. The night air was cool, and every muscle was tense, coiled tight like a spring. This raid was going to be one of the most dangerous operations I'd ever led, but the stakes had never been higher. I couldn't afford to think about anything but the mission, not even Heather.

The drive to the rendezvous point was silent, the kind of silence that hums with anticipation. My team was already there, gathered in a semi-circle, their faces grim and focused under the harsh glare of the streetlights. Each of them knew the risks, but they also knew why we were doing this. We were going to hit the drug shipment hard and fast, with no room for error.

I approached the group, nodding at each of them. "Alright, listen up. We go in quick and clean. We’ve got a tip-off that the shipment is coming in tonight. We don’t know exactly who’s involved, but we can’t let this chance slip by. Questions?"

One of the younger deputies, Ramirez, raised a hand. "What’s the plan for containment?"

"We'll have checkpoints set up around the perimeter. No one gets in or out without us knowing. We’ll use the element of surprise. Any other questions?"

Silence. Just determined faces and nods. I clapped Ramirez on the shoulder. "Good. Let’s gear up and move out."

We split up and headed to our respective vehicles. The convoy rolled out, the hum of engines the only sound cutting through the night. My mind was a jumble of strategies and contingencies. I couldn’t shake the nagging feeling that something was going to go wrong, but I shoved it aside. Focus. Stay sharp.

We reached the drop point, an old, abandoned warehouse on the outskirts of town. Perfect for a covert operation. We killed the lights a few blocks away and approached on foot, moving quietly through the shadows. I glanced at my watch. It was almost time.

We positioned ourselves around the warehouse, hidden in the darkness. I could see the glint of determination in the eyes of my team as they waited for my signal. I raised my hand, then brought it down in a swift motion.

We moved in. The doors were kicked open, flashlights slicing through the darkness. Shouts erupted, a chaotic symphony of commands and protests. I scanned the scene, my heart pounding. There were more of them than we’d anticipated, but we had the element of surprise.

"Freeze! Hands where I can see them!" I barked, moving forward with my gun raised.

The suspects were caught off guard, some of them scrambling to escape, others reaching for weapons. It was a blur of movement and noise. I spotted a guy trying to make a run for it and tackled him, the impact jarring my shoulder. He struggled, but I pinned him down, cuffing him quickly.

"Got one here!" I shouted over the noise.

More shouts, more scuffles. I saw Ramirez wrestling with another suspect, managing to subdue him with a knee to the back. We were gaining control, but it was messy. I could hear gunshots in the distance, and my gut tightened with worry. We needed to wrap this up before things got out of hand.

"Move them out!" I ordered, gesturing for my team to start clearing the suspects out of the warehouse.

We herded them towards the exits, making sure no one slipped through our fingers. My eyes kept darting around, looking for any sign of the higher-ups. The businessman we were after, Tom Halverson, had to be here somewhere. But as the minutes ticked by, there was no sign of him.

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