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I spent the rest of the day trying to stay busy, throwing myself into the tasks around the ranch. But no matter how hard I worked, my thoughts kept drifting back to Tyler. It was as if once I'd noticed something was off, I couldn't unsee it.

The next few days were full of activity on the ranch. We were short-staffed, and everyone was pulling double duty to keep things running smoothly. Tyler, usually reliable and steady, seemed distracted. He would disappear for an hour or two without explanation, only to reappear later as if nothing had happened. The other ranch hands noticed, too, but no one dared say anything.

I kept my suspicions to myself, not wanting to stir the pot without any solid evidence. Instead, I observed. Every time Tyler left, I made a mental note of the time and direction he went. It was easy to blend into the background, letting him think I was too wrapped up in my own work to notice his comings and goings.

One evening, I saw Tyler slip away again. I waited a few minutes before following, keeping my distance. He headed towards the old barn, the one we rarely used anymore except for storage. I crouched behind a stack of hay bales, watching as he met with a stranger near the back entrance. Their voices were low, but the urgency in their tones was unmistakable.

I couldn't make out what they were saying, but the way Tyler kept glancing around, as if making sure they weren't being watched, set my nerves on edge. When they finally parted ways, Tyler headed back towards the main house, and I quickly made my way back to where I'd been working, making sure to be seen by the other ranch hands.

The next day followed a similar pattern. Tyler would find excuses to leave, and I would follow, always careful to stay out of sight. He met with different people, always in secluded spots around the ranch. The conversations were brief, but the tension in his posture was clear. Whatever he was involved in, it was serious.

By the third day, my suspicion had grown into a gnawing certainty. I needed to find out more, but I couldn’t confront him directly. If Tyler was part of the drug ring, he could be dangerous. I had to be careful, not just for my sake but for everyone on the ranch.

I waited until after dinner, making sure to act normal so no one would suspect anything. Tyler had a habit of slipping away after dark, and tonight was no different. I watched from the shadows as he left the house, glancing around cautiously before heading towards the stables. My heart pounded in my chest as I followed him, keeping a safe distance.

Tyler moved quickly, clearly trying to avoid being seen. I stayed in the shadows, my footsteps silent on the dirt path. He made his way to the far side of the property, near the old abandoned barn that hadn't been used in years. It was the perfect place for a clandestine meeting.

I hid behind a large tree, peeking out just enough to see what was happening. Tyler stood near the barn, glancing around nervously. Moments later, a group of men emerged from the shadows, one of them carrying a large duffel bag. They spoke in hushed tones, their voices barely audible over the rustling leaves.

Straining to hear, I caught fragments of their conversation. They were talking about a big drug shipment coming in soon, discussing the logistics and how to avoid detection. My heart sank. Tyler was involved, and it was worse than I had imagined.

Fear coursed through me, but it was quickly replaced by a surge of determination. I had to do something. Danny might not be answering my calls, but I could still help. I needed to gather as much information as possible and find a way to get it to him.

As the meeting continued, I pulled out my phone, carefully angling it to capture the conversation without being noticed. The camera's faint glow was my only light, and I prayed it wouldn't give me away. My hands shook, but I managed to get a few minutes of footage before the men started to disperse.

Tyler lingered for a moment, watching the others leave before heading back towards the house. I stayed hidden until he was out of sight, then quickly made my way back, my mind racing. I had the evidence, but now I needed to get it to Danny.

Back at the house, I paced the living room. I couldn't call Danny—he wasn't answering, and I couldn't risk Tyler intercepting the call. I needed to find another way to get the information to him.

I sat down at the desk, my fingers drumming nervously on the wood. I had to be smart about this. If Tyler found out I was onto him, who knew what he might do. I needed a plan.

After a few minutes of frantic thinking, I decided to write everything down. I detailed what I had seen and heard, including the date and time of the shipment. I printed out stills from the video footage, hoping it would be enough to convince Danny that I was serious.

I sat at the kitchen table, papers spread out in front of me. My mind raced with thoughts of Tyler’s involvement and the danger looming over the ranch. Despite my best efforts to contact Danny, he remained unreachable, and the urgency of the situation left me feeling helpless and frustrated.

Sighing, I leaned back in my chair, staring at the ceiling. The words on the pages seemed to blur together, a jumbled mess of evidence and fear. I knew I couldn’t wait any longer. If Danny wouldn’t take my calls, I would have to go to the station in the morning and confront him in person. There was no other option. The safety of the ranch and everyone on it depended on swift action.

I gathered the papers into a neat stack, placing them in a folder. My mind churned with worry, the potential fallout of Tyler’s betrayal weighing heavily on me. The ranch hands were my responsibility, and I couldn’t afford to let them down.

The clock ticked softly in the background as I finished organizing the evidence. I glanced at my phone one last time, hoping for a missed call or a message from Danny. Nothing. I clenched my jaw, frustration mixing with determination.

I turned off the kitchen light and made my way to the bedroom. Climbing into bed, I pulled the covers up to my chin. The thought of facing Danny, of explaining everything in person, made my stomach twist with anxiety.

But there was no other way.

Chapter Thirty-Five


Iparked my car in the lot of a diner that had seen better days, the neon sign flickering above the entrance. It was early, the sky just starting to lighten, but I needed to clear my head. As I sipped on a cup of stale coffee, I dialed a number I hadn’t called in a long time.

“Hey, it’s Danny,” I said when the line connected. “I could use some advice.”

“Danny, my boy,” came the gravelly voice of my old mentor, Jack Henderson. Jack was a retired detective who had taught me most of what I knew about the job. He had a way of cutting through the bullshit and seeing things clearly. “What’s got you calling this early?”

I explained the situation as succinctly as I could, detailing the drug ring, the suspicions surrounding Tyler, and the recent threats to Heather.

Jack listened without interrupting. When I finished, he let out a long, low whistle. “You’ve got yourself a real mess there. Sounds like this drug ring is more entrenched than you thought.”

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