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I locked the door behind me, my hands trembling slightly as I pocketed the note. The quiet of the house now felt oppressive, every creak and whisper magnifying my growing sense of isolation.

The buzz of my phone yanked me back to reality, breaking through the morning quiet like a sudden crack of thunder. It was Danny. I hesitated, my thumb hovering over the accept button as Tyler's hurt expression from the day before flashed through my mind. The mix of concern and accusation in his eyes made me pause, but the need for a friendly voice won over.

"Hey," I answered, trying to keep my voice even.

"Morning, Heather. Just checking in. Everything okay?"

"Yeah, I'm just buried in paperwork," I lied smoothly, glancing over the stacks on my table that I hadn't touched since yesterday. "Thanks for checking in."

"Sure," he paused, and I could almost hear him weighing his next words. "Do you want me to come over? Keep you company while you sort through all that?"

The offer was tempting, too tempting. I wanted to say yes, to have him here, to not feel so isolated in this sprawling house with threats appearing at my doorstep. But I couldn't. Not with Tyler's words echoing in my head, not with the ranch hands' suspicious glances that seemed to follow me everywhere.

"I have a lot to do, Danny. Maybe tomorrow," I managed, feeling a pang of regret as I spoke.

"Alright, Heather. Take care of yourself. Call me if you need anything. Anything at all," he said, and I could hear the concern in his voice.

"Will do. Bye, Danny."

I hung up, placing the phone down with a shaky hand. I stared out the window, trying to relax.

But the day wouldn’t grant me any reprieve.

The sound of hurried footsteps on the porch pulled me from my thoughts. I turned to see Tyler, his face drawn and serious.

"Heather, we have a problem," he said the moment I opened the door.

"What now?" I asked, a sense of dread settling over me.

"Come see for yourself." He turned on his heel and led me down the driveway.

Nothing could have prepared me for the sight that greeted me. There, splashed across the pale gravel of the driveway, were words I’d hoped never to see again, this time written in what looked unmistakably like blood: "Last Warning."

A gasp escaped my lips. The ranch hands gathered a safe distance away and watched silently. Their faces were masks of concern, but underneath that, I wondered if there was more—something darker.

Tyler’s voice broke through my shock. "What are you going to do?"

"I... I have to call Danny," I said, the decision weighing heavily on me.

"No!" Tyler’s response was sharp, and he grabbed my arm a little too tightly. "Heather, think about it. The more you involve him, the worse this gets. Who knows what they'll do next?"

His words stung, and for a moment, I saw the raw jealousy and concern mixed in his eyes. I pulled my arm away gently. "I know you're worried, Tyler, but I can't just ignore this."

He looked down, the fight draining out of him. "Just be careful, Heather. Please."

"I will." My voice was firmer now, the resolve setting in. I watched him walk away, his shoulders tense.

Once inside, I closed the door and leaned against it, the cool wood grounding me. I knew what I had to do, regardless of Tyler's warnings. I needed help—Danny’s help—to end this once and for all.

Danny's truck rolled up the dusty driveway. He got out and took in the ominous message scrawled across my driveway.

"Jesus, Heather," he cursed softly. "This is getting out of hand."

I crossed my arms, fighting the chill that wasn't just from the evening air. "Tell me about it."

"Let's get you set up with some cameras," Danny finally said, breaking the silence. "I'll help you install them tonight."

I knew it needed to be done, even though the thought of surveillance cameras dotting my property felt like a violation in its own right. But the alternative—leaving myself and my ranch vulnerable—wasn't an option.

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