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The response was a mix of nods and mumbled acknowledgments, but the warmth that used to greet me was noticeably absent. The divide was growing, and it stung more than I cared to admit.

Turning away, I found Tyler leaning against the fence, his arms crossed. His expression was unreadable, but his posture spoke of support—or at least an attempt at neutrality. As I approached, he pushed off from the fence and met me halfway.

“Heather, this is getting out of hand,” he said, his voice low. “This detective, Danny, he’s stirring up more than just dirt with his snooping. People are scared and uneasy. It’s affecting work.”

I sighed, my shoulders sagging. “I know, Tyler, and I’m sorry. I truly believed Danny was just following leads. I didn’t expect it to impact everyone so much.”

Tyler’s gaze hardened at the mention of Danny’s name. “That fucking detective might be doing his job, but he’s not making any friends here. Detective Douchebag’s got everyone on edge. It’s like we’re all suspects now.”

The nickname jarred me, a sharp reminder of the conflict between my growing fondness for Danny and the loyalty I owed to my team. “Tyler, please, I... Danny’s not a bad guy. He’s trying to help in his own way. And I need to know the truth, for Aunt Dina’s sake and for the ranch.”

Tyler rubbed the back of his neck. “Look, I get it. You need answers. But at what cost? He doesn’t see the people here, Heather. To him, we’re just potential criminals.”

The accusation stung, a bitter twist in the tangled emotions I held for Danny. “It’s not like that. He’s complicated, yes, but he cares about justice. Maybe too much, sometimes. But I can’t turn away from this, not when we might be so close to understanding what really happened.”

Tyler stared at me for a long moment, his jaw clenched. Finally, he nodded slowly. “I’m with you, Heather. You know that. But just be careful, okay? Not just with this investigation, but with him. Don’t let him drag you down if things go south.”

Gratitude warmed me, mingling with the turmoil. “Thank you, Tyler. Really. I promise I’ll be careful.”

The rest of the day passed in a blur of activity, each task a welcome distraction from the churn of my thoughts. But as the sun dipped low, casting long shadows over the fields, the quiet that settled was filled with a restless energy.

Retreating to the solitude of my office, I mulled over everything. The whispers of the workers, Tyler’s protective sternness, and the unsettling way Danny had woven himself into the fabric of my daily thoughts. The complexity of my feelings for him—respect, intrigue, and something dangerously close to affection—was a gnawing presence in the back of my mind.

The evening had settled into a calm, the sky streaked with the last blush of sunset as I stepped into Dina’s office once more. I flicked on the lamp, casting a warm glow over the old oak desk. There, amid a pile of papers and personal effects, I found a folder labeled "Financial Records 2015-2018" tucked away in a lower drawer, its contents not touched in what seemed like years.

As I sifted through the dusty records, the numbers didn’t add up. There were payments—large sums marked as ‘consultation fees’ or ‘special projects’ that made little sense given the ranch’s regular operations. My heart thudded with the realization that these might be the clues I needed, yet the implications made my stomach churn.

I paced the room, the papers clenched in my hand. The truth was close, but bringing it to light meant unraveling the life my aunt had left behind. It meant confirming suspicions that could tarnish her name forever. I stopped at the window, looking out over the fields bathed in moonlight, seeking solace in the quiet beauty of the ranch.

The decision weighed on me. Involving Danny again could drive a deeper wedge between me and the ranch hands, who were already suspicious and on edge. But how could I turn away from the truth? How could I ignore the possibility of clearing her name or confirming her guilt?

My phone felt heavy in my pocket as I pulled it out. I dialed Danny's number.

"Hey, Heather," Danny answered, his voice carrying a hint of concern. "Everything okay?"

I hesitated, the words catching in my throat. "I... I found something. Can you come over? I could use your help sorting through some financial records."

"Sure. Give me twenty minutes?"

"Thanks, Danny," I replied, relief coursing through me. “I’ll make some coffee.”

True to his word, Danny arrived soon. I handed him a steaming cup of coffee as we stepped into the dim light of the office. The aroma of fresh brew filled the room, a small comfort against the backdrop of our late-night task.

“So, what is it you found?” Danny asked, setting down his cup and looking at me with an intensity that both comforted and unnerved me.

I handed him the folder, watching as he scanned the first few pages. His brow furrowed, and he pulled up a chair next to mine at the desk.

"These payments... they’re irregular," he said, tapping a figure with his finger. "And the memo descriptions are vague at best."

I nodded as he flipped through more documents. "That’s just it. I can’t make sense of them either. They don’t align with any ranch expenses I know of."

As we leaned over the papers, the line between professional and personal blurred once again, our shared focus binding us in the quiet night.

The clock ticked on, our conversation a low murmur as we pieced together fragments of information. The room was filled with the soft rustling of papers and the occasional clink of coffee cups on the wooden desk.

A picture began to form—a web of transactions that pointed to something much larger than incidental ranch expenses. It was clear we were onto something significant, the kind of discovery that could either vindicate my aunt or indict her posthumously.

Danny finally leaned back in his chair, rubbing his eyes wearily. "Heather, this... this is substantial. If we can connect these payments to the activities you’ve been suspecting, it could break the case wide open."

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