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But most of all, I had to survive. For Jake, for myself, for the chance to put an end to this nightmare once and for all.

Sitting tied to the chair, I racked my brain for any tactic that could get Mandy talking. I had to be clever and draw out her confessions without alerting her to my intentions.

"Mandy, why did you even come to Silver Creek?" I asked, injecting a hint of curiosity into my voice.

She paced back and forth, her hands wringing together. "I had to come, Kayla. Lexi needed me. She always needed me, even if she didn't realize it."

I probed further, masking my fear with feigned innocence. "Needed you? How?"

Mandy stopped pacing and turned to me, her eyes gleaming with madness and pride. "I was always there for her. When Luke came into the picture, I had to show her he wasn't right for her. I had to scare him off and give Lexi a reason to run back to me. I could have made everything better for her."

My stomach churned at her confession. "So, you were the one stalking Lexi? Trying to scare Luke?"

She nodded, a twisted smile playing on her lips. "Yes, I needed her to see that she belonged with me. I was her best friend, her savior."

The pieces were falling into place, the horrifying truth of Mandy's actions becoming clear. I pushed further, hoping to keep her talking. "What about Garrett? Did you have anything to do with what happened to him?"

Her expression darkened, and she sat down across from me. "Garrett was a mistake. He was getting too close to Lexi, so I just wanted to scare him, to push him away. But things went too far."

"You mean you... killed him?"

Mandy's voice was a whisper, laced with regret and madness. "It wasn't supposed to happen like that. But yes, I did. And Daddy helped cover it up. Jude too. They always helped me."

My heart raced as the extent of her crimes dawned on me. "Your family... in Key West. Did you...?"

Her eyes flickered with a hint of sorrow. "They were going to turn me in. I couldn't let that happen. I had to stop them."

I swallowed hard, the reality of the situation hitting me like a freight train. Mandy was a murderer, a stalker, a twisted soul who had spiraled out of control.

I kept my voice calm, though inside, I was screaming. "Mandy, you need help. You can't keep doing this."

She laughed, a sound devoid of sanity. "It's too late for help, Kayla. I've gone too far. But it will all be worth it if I can have Jake."

The mention of Jake reignited my resolve. I had to get out of here, had to warn him. Mandy was dangerous, and he was her ultimate target.

"Mandy, listen to me," I said, trying a different approach. "You can't force someone to love you. This isn't the way."

She stood up abruptly, her face contorting with anger. "You don't understand! Jake is mine. He was always meant to be mine. And I won't let you or anyone else stand in my way."

I stared at her, my mind racing for a way out. Mandy was lost in her delusion, and I was trapped in her twisted world. But I wasn't going to give up. Not yet. Not while I still had a chance to fight back.

I watched Mandy closely, trying to gauge her reactions. She was unpredictable, a wild card that made this situation more dangerous than anything I'd encountered.

Suddenly, Mandy’s phone buzzed. She glanced at it, and a sly smile crossed her face. "Well, speak of the devil. It's Jake... for you." She taunted, but didn't answer it, instead slipping the phone back into her pocket.

I seized the opportunity, "If Jake doesn't hear from me, he'll get worried. He'll come looking, Mandy."

She scoffed. "Good luck to him. Your phone's somewhere along the highway, thrown out the window. And my VPN is impenetrable. He won't find us."

Her arrogance was my advantage. I needed to outsmart her. I squinted towards the window, feigning to hear something. "Did you hear that? Sounds like someone's outside."

Mandy's expression changed to suspicion, and she crept towards the window, peering out into the growing darkness. "Stay put," she ordered, though I had no intention of doing so.

The moment she stepped outside, I worked furiously at the ropes binding my wrists. They were tight, but my constant fidgeting had loosened them enough. With a final tug, they gave way, freeing my hands. I hurriedly untied my feet.

I made a break for it, adrenaline fueling my escape. But my freedom was short-lived. As I sprinted through the underbrush, my foot snagged on something. I crashed to the ground, a net engulfing me. Mandy had set traps.

Panic set in as I struggled against the net, each movement tangling me further. Mandy's manic laughter echoed through the trees as she approached. I was trapped again, helpless, as she loomed over me.

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