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We put the plan into action immediately. As Luke packed, Jake pulled me aside. "Thanks for being here, Kay," he said earnestly.

I smiled, offering a small gesture of comfort. "That's what partners are for, right?"


The term meant so much more now.

As we saw Lexi and Luke off, driving away to safety, the gravity of the situation weighed heavily on me. Jake had to protect his family, catch the perpetrator, and ensure everyone's safety.

"We'll solve this, Jake," I whispered, squeezing his hand for assurance. As I met his gaze, I saw a reflection of my own determination.

"I know we will."

Chapter Thirteen


As I unlocked the front door, the muted lights inside cast a soft glow onto the porch. The drive back from Luke’s ranch with Kayla had been quiet as we processed this latest development.

Mandy sat on the couch, her posture stiff, dark hair cascading around her face. I wasn’t expecting to see her still up; it was far too late for casual visits.

"Hey," I started, slightly off-balance. "I didn't think you'd be awake still at this hour."

She looked up, her eyes searching mine. "I wanted to see you. I haven’t in days."

There was a tone in her voice I hadn't heard before. Gone was the cheerful friendliness I'd gotten used to. Instead, it was edged with...was that resentment?

"I've been swamped with the investigation," I replied, unease clawing at my insides. "You know that."

Her lips twisted into a humorless smile. "Of course. And how's Kayla? Must be... intense working so closely with her again." There was a biting edge to her words, an undercurrent I couldn't ignore.

"She's good," I replied, my defenses raising, "It’s been intense, sure, but it’s a part of the job."

Mandy's gaze lingered on me a moment longer before dropping away. "It just feels like you've been distant. And not just because of work."

This wasn’t the Mandy I had been getting to know. She was always so upbeat, supportive even. Now, with this cold demeanor, I wondered if our previous camaraderie had been just a facade.

"Look, I get that you're worried or maybe even pissed. But right now, Lexi's safety is my top priority." I ran a hand through my hair, the day pressing down on me.

Her cold facade momentarily cracked. "I just... missed our time, Jake. But I get it, family first."

"You have no idea what's going on, Mandy." I could feel the frustration bubbling up. "It's not just about spending time or hanging out. Someone's after my sister. It's been tough on all fronts. But I need to crash. We can talk later, okay?"

She nodded, hesitating for a moment before speaking up. "Just... don't forget about the people who are here for you too, okay?"

As I ascended the stairs, I felt guilt and unease. I'd found solace in Mandy's friendship during a difficult time in my life. But tonight's interaction threw me off-kilter. Maybe I didn't know her as well as I'd thought. Shaking off the thoughts, I reached my bedroom, seeking the oblivion of sleep.

The next day, I was looking over files at the precinct when Kayla burst in, her face flushed with urgency. “Jake, I think we have something. Remember that list of Lexi’s college acquaintances she gave us? One of them, Derek Kline, lives two towns over. Worth a shot?”

My heart raced as I grabbed my jacket. “Hell yes, it’s worth a shot.”

Driving to Derek’s place felt like the longest drive of my life. Unknown secrets weighed heavy on me. Why didn't Lexi ever mention anyone from college? What was she hiding?

We pulled up to a rundown bungalow. The lawn was wild, betraying signs of neglect. Kayla knocked firmly, and after what felt like an eternity, the door opened to reveal a disheveled-looking man. His eyes widened in recognition at the mention of Lexi’s name.

“Lexi Barrows? Haven't heard that name in years. What's she done now?”

Kayla's eyebrow quirked at his tone. “She hasn’t done anything. We’re investigating a case that involves her. Mind if we ask a few questions?”

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