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"Shit," I whispered to myself, guilt gnawing at me. I remembered how I'd walked away from her all those years ago, too young and too stupid to realize what I was leaving behind. It was a choice that had haunted me every day since.

I kissed the top of her head, breathing in the familiar scent of her shampoo. "I won't fuck this up again," I vowed silently.

Drawing her even closer, I let the soft rise and fall of her chest lull me into a fitful sleep, holding onto the hope that the morning wouldn't take this newfound connection away.

The first thing that hit me as I blinked my eyes open was the soft light filtering through the gaps in the curtains, its glow painting the room in muted tones. The second was the sensation of Kayla's skin pressed against mine, her rhythmic breathing indicating she was still fast asleep. I shifted slightly, trying not to disturb her, and caught a glimpse of her face nuzzled into the crook of my neck. It was one of those small, serene moments, the kind you wish you could freeze and keep forever.

"Morning," she murmured, her voice husky from sleep, startling me. She shifted, her blue eyes looking up at me, filled with a warmth that mirrored my own feelings.

"Hey," I replied, my voice barely above a whisper, my fingers brushing a stray strand of hair behind her ear.

A soft smile played on her lips, but before it could fully form, she seemed to remember where we were and why we were here, and her expression shifted. The playful glint in her eyes was replaced by a look of determination. "We need to get moving," she said, pulling herself up and away from our cocoon of warmth.

"Yeah, shit, Jared," I muttered, rubbing my face with my hands, trying to shake off the lingering drowsiness.

She nodded, grabbing her clothes that were scattered around the room. "We need to find him and get answers. The sooner we wrap this up, the sooner we can get back to... well, everything else."

I understood the unsaid words hanging between us – our past, our potential future, and everything in between.

After a quick shower and dressing, we headed out, the chilly morning air waking us up further. The motel's gravel crunched beneath our feet as we walked toward the car.

The local diner was a short drive away. It had that old-school vibe with checkered tiles and neon lights. We spotted Jared almost immediately, seated at the counter with a mug of coffee and a plate of half-eaten pancakes standing behind the counter. He was taller than I expected, large with tattoos up and down his arms and a shaved head.

"Can we join you?" I asked, indicating the empty stools next to him. Jared looked up, surprise evident in his eyes, but he nodded.

"Sure, officers. Was wondering when you'd catch up to me."

Kayla raised an eyebrow but stayed silent as we took our seats. I signaled for two coffees, sensing we'd need it.

"You knew we were looking for you?" I questioned, trying to gauge his reaction.

He smirked, "Word gets around fast in a small town. Neighbor told me when I got home last night."

The waitress set down two mugs in front of us, and the rich aroma filled the air. Taking a sip, I felt the warmth spread through me, readying myself for the conversation ahead.

"Jared," Kayla began, her tone all business, "We have some questions for you."

Jared leaned back, his casual demeanor not matching the gravity of the situation. "Shoot," he said, taking another bite of his pancake.

I felt our responsibility and the urgency of our case pressing down on me. This wasn't just another interrogation; there was so much at stake. And as I looked over at Kayla, I knew she felt it too.

Kayla wasted no time, "Start from the top, Jared. Tell us about your relationship with Lexi."

He smirked, stirring his coffee nonchalantly, "Relationship? We hooked up a few times in college. Nothin' serious."

I felt a tightening in my gut. I hated how casual he was about this, especially considering the severity of the situation. "A few other people seem to think otherwise. Some said it got a bit obsessive."

Jared's eyes flashed with irritation. "Look, people talk shit. College was a blur for me, alright? Parties, booze... I barely remember half of it."

"And the other half?" I pressed.

He shrugged, "Mostly just drunk nights and bad decisions. Lexi had her share of flings. Why pin it all on me?"

Kayla’s sharp gaze didn't waver. "Because multiple sources indicated you had an unhealthy fixation on her."

Jared scoffed, "What? 'Cause I liked her photo on Instagram now and then? C'mon. We were friends. If others had issues with her, that's on them."

"So, you’re saying there were others?" I asked, trying to get more out of him.

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