Page 92 of Breaking Yesterday

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He nods. “Which box?”

I point to it.

“I need you to go get Kent and Theo. Tell them it’s urgent.”

“Do you want me to call them? It’s fastest.”

He shakes his head. “No, I don’t want to risk someone else listening.”

I eye the box again. The situation weighs heavily on me. The unmarked box and the detailed photos all tie in with the threat Julian mentioned. I realize then that I'm not just a secret to him; I'm someone he's trying to protect from becoming a target. He’s always been telling me the truth.

I begin to turn and head to the elevator. Julian’s gaze follows me, his eyes conveying a mix of fear and determination.

“Poppy,” he calls out. “I don’t want this to scare you away from me.”

“It does scare me, Julian,” I admit, my voice trembling with the weight of my past fears. “But it’s not making me want to run from you. I want you and your family to be safe, and I wish I could help.”

His smile, though strained, flickers with a glimmer of hope. “You’re helping me more than you know. You make me forget and feel normal again.” His posture is like a protective shield as he steps between the box and me. “So you’re not canceling our date for Wednesday?”

I manage a weak smile. “No, but the food had better be amazing. You’ve got twinkle lights to live up to.”

Chapter 36


Julian was stuck in his office with his brothers and a handful of other people for the rest of the day. The entire time, I got nothing done. How could I work knowing someone sent creepy, stalker-like pictures of Kent to Julian?

I have an idea that's like a bad rash. It keeps spreading. Should I tell Harper? Surely, she could poke around and help out.

Although I don’t want to go behind Julian's back, I should ask him.

Before I left, he snuck out, remaining more professional than he ever had been. I caught two men I had never seen inside his office watching me. They looked young, fit, and deadly. One looked like the actor Jason Statham, only more serious.

Julian wanted the Jason Statham one to drive me home, but I refused. A fact that made Statham look suspicious. Did he think I had something to do with this?

I'm just the secretary...and the neighbor...and the woman he is dating.

I needed something pumpkin-flavored to calm me down.

I wanted to walk to the bus because I needed space to clear my head. This all was insane but, at the same time, reassuring. I wasn't the only person who was threatened by a monster. Julian was, too.

I pray that his monster will go away just like mine did.

As I walked to the bus stop, I did the one thing an innocent person should not do. I kept looking over my shoulder the entire time, thinking Statham would pop out from a bush and tackle me, then accuse me of sending Julian the photos of Kent.

I could never take creepy stalker photos; I rely on the autofocus on my phone's camera. My idea of zooming in is to take a photo and then crop it closer.

When I arrive at my apartment, I become paranoid that the bird in the tree is equipped with a camera and will take photos of me to send to Julian.

I run my hand through my hair, worried I'll spot grey hair amidst all this stress. The elevator to my apartment opens, and I feel my shoulders sink. I need a long, hot shower with my pumpkin spice shower gel, a cozy matching pajama set, and a good chick flick to calm me down.

However, a scream rips from my lips when a shadow shifts down the hall. I instantly reconsider my pumpkin spice therapy, contemplating switching to a glass of wine or even a whole bottle.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to scare you." A male voice shouts.

The voice belongs to a man leaving my apartment! My sagging shoulders go rigid. Our eyes clash, and he must see my fear.

I grip my purse tighter. Damn it! Why the hell didn’t I shove that wasp spray into my bag?

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