Page 87 of Breaking Yesterday

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“Horizon Solutions,” he says, his voice confident. “They want to go over our current licensing deal. A waste of time because I’m not cutting their price.”

I look up, “You memorized your schedule.” I deadpan, a hint of admiration in my voice.

He shrugs, “Maybe.”

“Then let’s skip the rundown and discuss the PowerPoint presentation I’m making for you.”

He shakes his head, “Nope.” He pops the 'P,' a playful glint in his eyes. “I want to hear your voice. What do I have at 4:00?”

I press my lips together, hiding my smile.

“Miss. Moore,” he jokes, a lightness in his voice, “What’s on my calendar for 4:00 today?”

I finish telling him his schedule, keeping my eyes down on the calendar on my phone. I feel the intensity of his gaze on me, but I’m too shy to look up. My heart flutters with a mix of nervousness and excitement. My stomach growls, making me cringe.

“You didn’t eat the pastry I got you,” Julian says, feigning offense. “They were out of the pumpkin, so the guy talked me into a croissant assortment.”

“A pause in pumpkin is fine. I don’t want to turn round and orange after all,” I joke. “I’ll eat after. I wanted to go over your schedule first.”

“You put yourself first, Poppy. I’m a big boy; I can handle things.”

I sit with my legs crossed and ask the persistent question that I already know the answer to. "Are you buying us coffee and pastries every day just because of," I lean in and whisper, "us?"

He leans back in his chair and crosses his ankle over his knee. “I don’t know what you’re referring to, Miss. Moore. I’m just trying to be a caring boss. A well-fed staff makes for a happy one.” He winks, his charm effortless.

“Well, Levi is happy. He’s living on Ramen and now your pastries. You are earning major brownie points with him.”

“Are you happy?” He fires back, his gaze intense and probing.

I sip my coffee, but the cup can’t hide my red cheeks. I nod, my heart skipping a beat. “But you can’t keep bringing me pastries every day. It’s all going to go straight to my hips. I'm the type of girl who thinks a long walk is an extreme workout. I don't go to gyms, and as for weights, I consider lifting my milk jug to be all my biceps need."

He licks his lips, hiding his smile. “A woman’s curves are something to praise, not scorn.”

“Julian,” My eyes widen.

“We’re alone.”

I roll my eyes. “Aren’t you supposed to pressure me to have the perfect body?” I blurt out.

He uncrosses his legs, grabs a pad of paper, places a fancy CEO pen on top, and then nudges it across his desk toward me.

“I want a name,” he says firmly.

“Huh?” I'm taken aback.

He taps the notepad insistently. “I want the name of the bastard who made you think like that.”

I stare at the pen, then lie with effort. “It’s not one man; it’s society as a whole.” My gaze remains downcast, fearing my eyes might betray my lie.

The truth is, Andrew was always pressuring me. When we’d go out, he’d order for me, disguising control as chivalry. He’d rave about the salad with no dressing he chose for me, but honestly, it doesn’t take a five-star chef to make a salad. The one time I dared to order a burger, I felt his glare burning into me with every bite; each french fry I ate felt like a rebellion. I returned to salads after that. Andrew was the guy everyone lusted after, and he chose me. I convinced myself I needed to meet his high standards.

Like so many young, naive girls, I was such a fool.

“We can’t keep going off-topic while we’re at work,” I declare, my voice steady with a newfound firmness. “You have a packed day, and we need to focus.” A flicker of surprise crosses my face as I hear my own words – sounding all adult-ish and assertive. It's a stark contrast to the usual timidity that used to silence my voice, especially around guys I liked.

For once, my opinions and concerns find their way out, unbidden but welcome.

The grin that spreads across Julian’s face is so wide it looks like it could split his face in two. And that's what I'm beginning to love - his smile that somehow infuses me with strength and confidence. His simple smile feels like an outstretched hand, pulling me out of the deep, dark hole I've been trapped in for so long.

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