Page 73 of Breaking Yesterday

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Julian's smiling response is a ray of sunshine, full of promises and plans. "Challenge accepted."

Chapter 29


“You said yes!” Harper’s shriek pierces through the phone. No sooner had Julian left than I was dialing Harper. I needed her insight.

“I thought you’d be thrilled. You’re the queen of advocating naughtiness. Isn’t sneaking around with my boss the epitome of naughty?”

“Naughty would be having sex on his desk during office hours,” Harper quips with a hint of sarcasm. “Poppy, it worries me, him insisting on this secrecy.”

I share her concern, though I won’t admit it. “It’s a temporary thing. Just until he figures out whatever this work issue is. And you know,” I muse, sinking back into my bed, the covers enveloping me in a cocoon of thought. “Maybe it’s for the best. We barely know each other. Sure, There’s undeniable chemistry, but why rush to HR over a kiss that might be a fleeting moment?”

The line goes quiet, save for the rapid-fire tapping of Harper’s keyboard.

“Harper, are you listening to me?” I sigh, rearranging my pillow, my eyelids heavy with fatigue.

My gaze drifts across my new bedroom. I need to make buying new furniture a top priority. Having my old bedroom stuff makes me feel like a teenager again, and those are years I don’t want to relive.

“I’m always listening,” Harper’s voice is tinged with a focus that means she’s onto something. “But I’m also doing a bit of digging. I need to see if Julian’s ‘work threat’ is legit.”

“Harper, you’ve got to stop playing detective in people’s lives. I’ll find out what I need to in due time.”

“If he’s some sort of psycho, you’ll be wishing you listened to me when he’s looming over you with a knife,” she half-jokes, but there’s a seriousness in her tone that chills me. “Let me do a little snooping. It’s harmless, I promise.”

I fluff up my pillow. “I’d rather not know what you unearthed. It feels... invasive,” I respond. Though deep down, I know she’ll tell me everything, especially if she uncovers any lies. Heck, she will be on the first plane back home, ready to castrate Julian.

“I’m hitting the hay. We’ll talk tomorrow.”

"Oh lord, you sound like a farmer from the 18th century. I hope you don't reply to his texts like that. You know what, I think dating him, even if he is a psycho, will be good for you."

I laugh.

"I miss that sound, and I like that talking about Julian makes you laugh again," Harper adds. "Okay, I have to go investigate. I'll talk to you later. Love ya." She ends the call.

I toss and turn, wondering if Harper is right. Is Julian lying to me? Is there another reason he wants to keep us a secret, or will this work out for my benefit?



I roll over, prop myself up on my elbow, and snatch my phone. All traces of sleep vanish from my eyes when I see it’s a text from Julian. I bite my lip, trying to stifle my glee.

Julian: I know I shouldn’t be texting you this, but I can’t wait to see you today.

I bolt upright, knees knocking together. “I can’t wait to see you too,” I murmur. This secret dating thing is going to be excruciatingly hard. But, fingers crossed, it's worth it. I shoot back a reply.

Poppy: I'm excited to see you, too.

For the next ten minutes, as I get ready for work, I agonize over every word I’ve sent, second-guessing my every move. Dating’s not really my forte, so yeah, I’m overanalyzing each syllable.


My coffee almost becomes a casualty as I lunge for my phone, filled with anticipation.

Julian: What’s your schedule like this Friday, Wednesday, and next Friday?

Poppy: I’m free, what’s up?

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