Page 68 of Breaking Yesterday

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I shift from foot to foot until the elevator dings. I pause before stepping out. How do I approach this with Julian? Do I just walk into his office and discuss our non-relationship?

We really need to get his work schedule sorted out, too.

Ugh. This is why work and play don’t mix well.

“Hi!” A young guy sitting at the reception desk beams. That's how bougie level ten is; the CEO and his secretary have their own reception desk.

He stands. “I’m Levi,” he extends his hand, and I shake it.

“Hi, I'm Poppy, Mr. Sterling's new secretary,” I say as of now.

“I’m so excited to meet you,” Levi beams with a boyish grin.

He's tall, skinny, and looks young, maybe twenty at the oldest.

“I need to go over my paperwork with you. My job is part of my school internship. I’m studying hospitality, and we have to complete a semester-long internship with a company,” he grins, pushing back his unruly, chestnut-brown hair that falls over his forehead in a charmingly disheveled way. “And it’s up to you to grade me. My professor requires an updated email and a small report every four weeks. Debbie started doing it, but since she’s leaving, it's now your responsibility.” He looks worried, his smile stretching wider in an attempt to mask his concern.

“That’s no problem. I used to work reception as well,” I tell him, hoping it helps him relax.

“Really? Where?” His brows perk up, and I see some stress leave his shoulders.

“At CypherTech,” I say, feeling a pang in my heart as I mention my parents’ company in North Carolina.

“There you are,” Debbie shouts as she barrels into the room, holding her candy jar. “Mr. Sterling had an emergency and had to leave, but let’s tackle his schedule.”

What? My stomach sinks. Is he avoiding me? Is the ‘emergency’ him trying to find a replacement, or am I overthinking it?

Shouldn’t I know what the emergency is as his secretary? Unless it is him avoiding me.

“Will he be coming back?” I ask as I follow her inside.

“Not today.” Good thing I didn’t eat because I would have vomited from nerves.

He is avoiding me.

Debbie continues, "I know it's scattered, but once you get his schedule worked out, this will all be up to you, and I know you're more than capable of getting that man in line. He should have called you to tell you, but he saw me and just laid it on me. No regard sometimes," she huffs. "He’s got a meeting you both need to attend tomorrow at nine a.m., which also conflicts with his physical therapy appointment, which he can’t skip." She shakes her index finger at me, like a mother schooling a child.

“Physical therapy?” I ask as I sink into my chair and open the computer.

Debbie nods, “He was injured while he was deployed. Don’t mention it; it’s a sore subject. Between me and you, that boy doesn’t want to be here, but it’s the family business. He’ll fall in line; he’s a Sterling, after all,” she says as if I know what that means.

She unwraps a candy and pops it into her mouth. I’m starting to realize her candy is my pumpkin spice flavor. It’s her comfort food.

“They had to move his PT here,” she waves her hand and grabs post-it notes off her desk. I realize she has dates for future meetings written on the notes.

No wonder Julian’s so disorganized; I can see that her paper notes haven’t gotten to his digital calendar.

Debbie is sweet, but something tells me my life will be easier with her retirement.

“It’s a Zoom meeting, so just meet him in the fitness center. That's on Level 1, just past the cafeteria. It’s free to all employees. You’ll have the meeting there. Sometimes, we are just designated phone holders, but other meetings are more exciting.”

“That’s fine.” I’m just not sure if he will show up or if I will be employed tomorrow.

Chapter 27


I’m pissed, upset, and hurt. It's like there is a tight knot in my chest, every thought of Julian tightening it further.

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