Page 59 of Breaking Yesterday

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A heavyweight pins me down. It feels like I’m trapped under the pressure of the ocean. Theo and I tried our best to fill the gap between our parents. Kent was young when mom passed. Knowing he feels this way makes me feel like I failed him, but I was just a kid trying to handle grief, too.

“We can learn from our parents' mistakes. You can fall in love, get married, and have a family. God forbid if something happened, you’d know how not to treat your kids when you grieve.” I reach out with my left hand, wishing I could use both arms to hug him, “You don’t have to put on an act of a playboy because you're hurting.”

“I’m not hurting now. I’m having fun.” He replies sharply. His walls are going back up.

“Just keep your heart open. Promise me.” I squeeze his shoulder.

He rolls his eyes. “Yeah, yeah,” he says, reaching for the door and kicking it open. “I promise.”

I hope he finds a woman who holds him to that vow.

Chapter 22


I’m late.

This can't be happening; I'm never late. I planned everything out and even made it to the bus on time after the life-changing kiss. Yet somehow, I didn’t plan on the massive amount of security I would have to go through to enter the building. Given the extensive background checks and nature of the company I work for, I should have known better.

A bead of sweat forms on my brow, and I do my best to wipe it away without looking like I plan on robbing the joint.

I’m in the security office because I wasn’t on the schedule. The guard is an asshole who didn’t listen to a word I said. He led me to a private room and kept giving me the side-eye.

“Debbie Donaldson should be expecting me.” I voice again. I sound more like a mouse.

I clear my throat, and he folds his arms. "I'm the new secretary to the CEO," I chirp.

His narrowed "I don’t believe you" eyes make me feel like I’m in a spy movie—only instead of being a confident, sexy Angelina Jolie, I feel like a D-list actress who can’t make the audience believe the dialogue.

My phone rings, and I jump as if it’s a bomb that just hit zero. “Sorry,” I grumble. Why did I apologize?

When I reach for it, I swear he looks like he's about to tackle me. Maybe I should have brought that wasp spray.

“It’s Debbie,” I say as I see the name on the screen. Debbie is the current secretary I will be replacing because she is retiring. I've spoken to her several times over the phone, and she sounds very cute and sweet.

“Hi, Mrs. Donaldson.”

“Where are you, dear?”

“I’m here. There was a problem at security; they took me to this office and...”

“No phone calls.” The guard shouts.

I jerk in the chair; sweat drips down my back.

“Was that Roger?” Debbie grunts. “Tell him I’m on my way down. How dare he! I submitted your paperwork last week."

"Tell her that her clearance is being pulled because she's leaving. All new employees for the boss have to go through his secretary." Roger barks.

"I'm his secretary!” I glare. Is this man serious?

He shrugs again, "I didn't get the memo yet."

"Oh, for heaven’s sake. I’m sorry, dear, I’ll be there in ten minutes. I’m not as fast as I used to be. Keep busting his balls for me until I arrive.” The phone goes dead. Suddenly, I wished Debbie was staying because I liked her fire.

Ten minutes feels like twenty until the door bursts open, and a tiny woman comes charging in. She looks like a godmother from a fairy tale, short and stout, with grey hair pulled up into a high bun with a pink bow, a cute light blue jacket, and a matching skirt. Although her face has a wide grin, it disappears when she turns her round eyes on Roger.

“I’m following orders.” He grunts as she comes barreling in. “We tighten security.”

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