Page 57 of Breaking Yesterday

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“You know what I mean,” I stress as the bus rumbles on.

“Listen to me, compose yourself, focus on your new job, and trust me, today will be epic.”

I lean closer to the window, “You know something. I hear it in your voice.” What is she up to? It’s like she’s a crystal ball that knows how today will end.

“Just… well, fate is preparing to throw you a positive curve ball. Just embrace it. Loosen up your loins.”

“God, Harper, no one says loins anymore.” I press my palm to my flushed cheeks.

“I have to keep you on your toes. Listen, I have to go. Just tell me one thing.”

“What?” I reply. I grab my bag and pull out my makeup kit. Pressing some powder on my forehead and cheeks to hide the redness.

He said he was going to ravage me one day. My sex squeezes at the thought.

“Did you wear the pink or red lace panties?” Harper asks.

“I’m hanging up.” I hiss.

She chuckles. “Love you.”

“Love you, too,” I reply, ending the call.

The bus begins to slow at my stop. I stand with shaky legs, unsure if it’s all due to Julian, the stress of a new job, or that Harper knows something I don’t.

Maybe Harper is right; I just need to embrace the Texas lifestyle, grab the bull by the long horns, and enjoy the ride.

Worrying only creates more stress; hope, on the other hand, can make even the weakest and most damaged souls feel like they can conquer the world.

I want to conquer my new job and my new neighbor.

Chapter 21


Every instinct in my body is screaming at me to run after Poppy.

That kiss…her fucking taste, those little moans she made.

The elevator door closes, and the last thing I see is her flushed cheeks and shy smile.

What I want to do is throw her over my shoulder caveman-style and drag her to my bed.

I close my eyes. What the fuck am I doing? I’ve got a killer after me, and I’m being a selfish ape by dragging Poppy into the mess.

I shouldn’t have kissed her. I should have let her be and nodded and smiled like a normal neighbor when I saw her.

Men don’t do what they should. We’re selfish and take what we need.

I need my Pumpkin. Need her like a drug I never knew existed.

It takes me a few minutes just standing in the hall looking at the elevator until the blood flow to my cock returns to my brain.

Even then, I know in my gut I won’t make the safe decision. I’ll choose the dangerous one. Maybe it’s because of my training. I’m used to going into dangerous situations, and I like the thrill.

I turn and make my way inside and finish getting dressed. I’ve never felt this way. It’s like a magnetic pull I’m powerless to resist. Even with all the shit going on in my life, I don’t want to resist it.

Maybe that makes me the bad guy. Maybe I lied to Poppy after all.

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