Page 38 of Breaking Yesterday

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"You want me to get out there and live my life, but I want you to do the same. You might be experiencing things, but that's not the same as living."

She hops off the counter, "We're getting way too deep. That's only allowed when it's that time of the month. I need a pint of ice cream, cashmere PJs, and a box of chocolate to discuss this matter further." She raises her wrist and looks at her watch, "Plus, we need to get ready, and we still have to go through the new clothes I bought you. Something tells me Julian is a crotchless lace panties type of man, but I could be wrong; he's quiet, and they are usually the kinkiest. Maybe I should have ordered those pink leather panties for you." She kids, then turns to leave.

She's covering up her fear with excitement. One day, she will have to face it like I am.

Chapter 12


"It can't be this hard," I huff as I grab the door of Kent's truck and attempt to get inside for the second time. I'm not short, but I don't have Harper's mile-long legs. She easily got inside the front seat; on the other hand, I'm attempting to jump inside the back and make it look graceful. Thank God I wore jeans, or I'd be showing off my light blue lace panties to the world.

With a firm grip, I try again, but there is no way to get inside this ridiculous excuse for a truck without looking like a toddler trying to climb a playground.

"Do you need a hand?" Julian asks. I can hear the grin on his lips. Kent is driving us; Julian can't drive because his collarbone is broken, too.

I release a short exhale, then nod. I'm half expecting Julian to hoist me up cheerleader style.

"I'm a little impaired, but take my hand, then jump. Trust me, I won't let you fall," Julian says.

Dear God, his voice just melted the panties off of me. I tilt my head up and look at his chiseled face.

"I got you," he assures me.

I have no doubt you do; I'm just admiring how handsome you are.

I grab his hand and do as he says. With my right foot forward and as high as I can raise it, I hop up. I feel his torso press into my back like a welcomed hand. Heat explodes over my body, and my cheeks reddening. Then, with a perfectly timed bump, he guides me inside the truck and onto the seat.

"Wow," I pat the seat, "Thank you."

I look at his sling, "How are you going to get in?" I extend my hand and slide over, but he chuckles,

"I'm six foot four." He lifts his leg with ease and slides into the truck.

The truck rumbles to a start as Kent talks about where he's taking us. I chew my bottom lip. What must Julian think of me?

"I'm not as crazy as I seem," I blurt out to him as Kent and Harper continue to talk.

Oh my god! Why did I say that? That is exactly what someone crazy would say.

"What I mean is I usually don't faint, and it's been a long time since I went out for drinks with someone, so I’m a little nervous." That sounded normal, right?

Julian shifts, trying to face me. It takes him a moment to adjust the seatbelt over his arm sling. "Well, even with one arm, I caught you," he shrugs his injured shoulder, "And soon I'll have two arms to hold you if you need me to."

Holy shit! A surge of moisture rushes through my body. The problem is that I have been around Harper for so long that I don't know if he meant his statement to be flirty or if Harper's interruptions have tainted my view.

He clears his throat, "That's what a friendly neighbor would do."

Do you mean friendly as in 'friendly' or 'friendly'? As Harper would suggest, are we talking about benefits or non-negotiable terms?

What do you mean, Julian?

"As for the drinks, if I were being a good neighbor, I'd tell you to stick to water since you fainted just hours ago."

"And what if you weren't being a good neighbor?" Harper chimes in, twisting from the front seat as Kent veers us onto a massive highway, "What would you tell her then?"

Julian hesitates; Harper just put his intentions in the spotlight. Are he and I just wingmen to Kent and Harper, or is he interested in me?

Let's be clear: Kent and Harper are a ticking time bomb of orgasms, likely to end up having sex before Harper leaves.

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