Page 105 of Breaking Yesterday

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“Exactly. Now, about that favor I need,” Harper says, shifting gears.

“Name it,” I respond.

“If your brother contacts me again, sends another cookie gram, or a thong bouquet, if he shows up at my dive bar, I'll make him regret it,” she states coldly.

A cookie gram? Thong bouquet?

“Kent’s been contacting you?” I'm surprised. I knew about the fake number she gave him that was to an erectile dysfunction medicine. That was priceless!

I didn't know he actually managed to get her real number.

“When the heck did he fly to you? He’s been traveling on business for the past two weeks.”

“Exactly. Traveling. Coming to and from and annoying me. He’s clingy and pushing away all my potential lays. Tell him I bought a frame, Julian; I'm not scared to frame his balls in it. I mean it.”

"You clearly have an issue with men's balls. I think you need to talk to a shrink, Harper." I kid. “I’ll tell him. But Harper, you know if you give him a chance, he might surprise you.”

She’s silent for a breath, “I don’t want surprises, Julian. I want a really amazing fuck with multiple orgasms, and then I don’t ever want to see him again.”

“Maybe it’s just not the right time.” I rebuttal. She sounds like me just a few months ago. “You know I’m going to tell Poppy you called.”

“You better. If not, I’ll buy another frame and hang your balls side by side.”

“You’re very violent. Are you sure you’re not a member of that chat group?” I ask in a serious tone.

“If I join that chat group, I’d beat all the high rankings. Remember this, Julian: Hell hath no fury like a woman scored.”

Chapter 42


“This stupid phone!” I hiss, giving it a few frustrated smacks. Whenever I mistreat technology, Harper usually snaps at me.

I know Julian had a call with the General, so I didn’t want to interrupt, but it should have ended fifteen minutes ago. He’s got to sign off on these papers so I can get them to accounting before they leave for the day. I was trying to text him before I barged in, but my stupid phone kept undoing the text message I was trying to send.

I scratch my head, unsure if that’s even what’s happening. I press send, and it looks like it sent, but then after a few minutes, the text just poofs away and disappears from the chat history. It’s as if I never sent the text.

“Ok, seriously, what the heck,” I mumble to myself as I watch the message to Harper send and remain in the chat.

I think my phone has a conspiracy against men. This has happened before. It only ever happens when I message a guy. It’s a coin toss whether the text message will be sent.

Poppy: Harper, I’m in desperate need of a new phone, actually a new laptop, too.

Harper: Tell me something I don’t know. Your laptop is older than some fossils still found.

Poppy: Just send me a link to what I should buy. Also, those wires too.

Harper: Wires? Is that a new kink?

I grin and reply,

Poppy: Last time I got a new laptop, you had to buy me some magic wires that transferred everything from my old laptop to the new one. Same with my phone. I don’t want to lose all my stuff.

Harper: Babygirl, sometimes you seriously scare the shit out of me. No need for a colonic. Nowadays, Grandma, we can transfer wirelessly. No need for wires. The new laptop and phone will prompt you. I’ll send you the links. Let me research the best phone and laptop for someone who is clinically inept regarding technology.

Poppy: Love you.

Harper: Love you, too!

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