Page 102 of Breaking Yesterday

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Theo snorts, “That won’t go over well. He’s very protective of her.”

I spread open my arms, “I don’t see him here. He’s a puppeteer. Consider me the ax which is cutting her free.”

“Julian,” Theo sighs as he sits back in his chair and runs a hand through his short, dark hair. “This is a fling. It was off-limits, which made it more exciting. There is no point in tellinghim when we both know this won’t last.”

Theo crosses his jean-covered leg and looks at the one item which is personal—a framed family picture our mom made us take for Christmas. She even went as far as getting us all matching PJs for the picture.

“You know the Sterling brothers can’t do relationships. Hell, look at Kent, and we both raised him,” he stresses. “We fuck around, then move on. Why bring other people into this mess when it’s going to be cleaned up soon?”

He actually looks worried about telling his ‘friend’ about Poppy and me.

My hand curls into a fist. I want to punch the glass, partly because he’s right. The Sterling men are damaged. We have been since our mom died. I used to think like Theo, especially after I was cheated on.

Timing and the person changes everything.

The thought of not being in a relationship with Poppy makes me feel like I took another bullet. I know we are still living the high of the new relationship buzz, but as long as she is faithful and honest with me, I will do everything I can to make her happy.

“It’s different,” I state as I tug at my tie. I hate wearing it, but I try to look the part sometimes. I miss the weight of my uniform and bulletproof jacket, of my guns, and even the tightness of my boots cutting into my ankle.

All that can be heard is our breathing; each breath he exhales judges me like a jury.

I pull the tie free and shove it into my pocket. “Pick up the phone and call him. Tell him that if he wants to know details about her life, then he needs to get them himself.”

Theo closes his eyes. “It’s not that easy,” He says.

“It’s easier to build a bridge than to try and communicate across it,” I reply.

Then, I turn around and make my way back to my office.

"I'll call him," Theo shouts. "Hey, Jay,"

I hesitate, my fingers turning the cold door knob.

"You're doing a good job," Theo says.

I look over my shoulder at my older brother sitting behind his desk, being so successful. When Dad sent us off to boarding school, our relationship as brothers shifted. Theo and I had to become Kent's parents. We couldn't be wild and carefree. I miss those days when my brothers and I just hang out like we used to. I miss hearing Mom shout at us not to break anything.

I nod and turn the doorknob to leave. My throat feels thick with emotions. I forcibly swallow them down. Before I exit, I tell him, “I called Dad. You should talk to him too, Theo.”

I feel everything happens for a reason. The good and the bad. I got shot, and my career ended, but another one is starting. This time I'm going to make sure my brothers and I are not shouting from a far distance at each other. I'm going to build a bridge so we can walk across it together again.

Chapter 41


It's Friday, meaning I get three full days with Poppy. Waking up, her face is the first thing on my mind. After the military, I didn't think I'd find something to look forward to, but here I am.

It's the little things about her, like the pink blush on her cheeks, matching her lips, and those freckles that make her uniquely mine. When she's embarrassed, her long brown lashes cover her hazel eyes, and her laugh – it's genuine, not forced. She’s the woman I’m excited to live my future with.

I’ve changed, and I hardly recognize myself. I plan surprises, something I never did before. With Kent's help, who's surprisingly good at this romantic stuff, I've got something big planned. I want to take Poppy away from the drama and the threats. Planning this wasn't easy. Uncle Dan fought me on it. We're heading to Lake Tahoe on my family's private jet. It's not ski season, but the peace and views there are what we both need. Poppy's been through a lot – lost her brother and parents. And with the threats and my career shift, we both need a safe space to just breathe. A place to hope and dream. And that’s what I want for us at Lake Tahoe – a moment to stop and really see each other.

Wrapping up a call with the General, I report on our advanced drone project, which is ahead of schedule with new stealth tech and AI capabilities. The General talked for another ten minutes, and we set a meeting in Nevada in two months. Thanks to Poppy organizing my work life, I feel like I’ve got my bearings. I’m up to date on all the projects and problems, and Sterling Defense feels like it’s a well-oiled machine again.

My phone rings again. "Fuck," I mutter, grabbing it. "Hello?"

My eyes burn a hole into my door; just beyond it is Poppy. I can't wait to tell her about the surprise trip I have planned. The plane is scheduled to leave late tonight, so as soon as she is done with work, I'll take her to pack, and then we're off.

"Howdy, soldier," a familiar voice says. It’s Harper, Poppy’s friend.

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