Page 75 of Unspoken Vendetta

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It might help to ease some of the tension between us.

One of my clients sent me tickets to the opera. It's not something I would usually choose for myself, but this is a massive client. One of my biggest buyers and I need to be respectful of that. Sometimes business includes attending events that I really don't want to go to.

But with this one - I can take Amelia. She is, after all, my fiancée and I should be showing her off around town.

I dry off and get dressed in my usual black suit.

Heading downstairs I find James.

"I need you to make sure the nurse is available for Elena tonight. Her mother and I are going out."

Amelia, standing in the living room, spins to glare at me with wide eyes.

"Where are we going? I was hoping to watch a movie at home with Elle."

"Elle will be fine with the nurse. You and I are going to the opera."

Before she can protest, I walk away towards the kitchen. I need coffee and I need to contact Caitlyn to arrange a dress for Amelia.

I saw the clothes she brought with her. I don't know what she has been doing for the last six years but she has nothing in her closet that suggests she's been going out anywhere fancy.

Caitlyn drops off three options for Amelia, but she doesn't come in to meet her. Instead, she hurries off, probably still annoyed with me about the other day.

I don't care.

As long as the wedding planning is going well, she can sulk as much as she wants.

I carry the three dress options up to Amelia. She is sitting in the room with Elle who felt strong enough to get out of bed today.

They are on the floor, building Lego blocks - making some sort of bed for the pink elephant.

"Amelia. A word," I say.

She stands up quickly, obviously not wanting me near Elle; she grabs my arms and pulls me out of the room.

"What do you need?" She says, trying to sound polite, but I can hear the tension in her voice.

"There are three dresses in the bedroom. Pick whichever one you like. We are leaving in an hour and a half for the opera. I don't need to remind you, but I will. You are attending this event as my fiancée. We are in public, and I expect you to act as my fiancée."

She pulls her mouth tight.

"Amelia, perhaps you need some additional incentive - if you behave correctly tonight, I will give you a day out with Elena. You two can go anywhere you like. With a guard of course. I will arrange anything you need."

"Really? You'll let me take her somewhere?"


Her eyes seem to brighten a little and her face relaxes. "Alright. I'll go and get ready now. Let me just tell her we're going out tonight."

Amelia disappears, back into Elena's room, and I head off to get ready for the opera as well.

Amelia is ready and waiting downstairs for me when I come down.

"Oh," I say before I have a chance to control my thoughts.

"Oh, what?" She asks, confused.

Oh, you look fucking incredible. Oh, you take my breath away. Oh, I've never seen anything more beautiful in my life.

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