Page 73 of Unspoken Vendetta

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There are no leftovers. I have to wait for dinner. Glancing at my watch I see it's five now so hopefully the chef will start cooking soon. If they don't I'll make something easy for Elle and myself.

I want to go and sit with her, snuggle on the bed, and watch cartoons together. But I'm so scared she'll ask me about her father again.

I shut my eyes tightly, leaning against the kitchen counter.

I want to cry every time I think about it.

She deserves to know the truth, but she's so young, and she's already going through so much with her illness.

I have to find the gentlest way to tell her as little as possible, but enough to ease her curiosity.

I don't want her to start being interested in Stefano. She lives in the same house as him now and I'm at work most days. They will have plenty of time alone. It terrifies me - the idea of him being alone with her.

The idea that he could take her from me at any moment.

The coffee machine beeps, and I jump caught off guard.

I flick the second switch to make a cappuccino and hot liquid steams from the spout.

I watch it slowly fill my mug, then frothed milk.

I throw one sugar into the cup and stir it as my thoughts churn.

When I do finally find the courage to go and see Elle again, carrying a plate of food for her, she is fast asleep with the iPad still playing cartoons. I feel guilt wash over me. It's her first day here and I avoided her.

That's not fair of me at all.

I can't do that to her.

Tomorrow, I need to tell her something. Anything.

I gently take the iPad from her hands and switch it off.

I lower the bed to a sleeping position and pull her blankets up over her shoulders.

Kissing her cheek softly I whisper. "I love you, little Elle."

Then I switch off her bedside light and leave her food next to her in case she wakes up and wants it. She can always call me to heat it up for her.

She loves cold chicken nuggets anyway - despite my protests.

I quietly walk out of her room, pulling her door half-closed behind me. Then I head over to my own room, exhausted and ready for bed.

I've just changed into my sweatpants and t-shirt when Stefano walks in.

I'm getting comfortable on the sofa and I do my best to ignore him.

"You're sleeping in the bed tonight." He demands, staring directly at me.

"I'm happy on the sofa," I reply instantly.

"I wasn't asking, Amelia. Do I need to remind you of what I said earlier? You will do as you are told or suffer the regret of defying me." His voice is low and full of threat.

I close my eyes for a second, knowing full well that I have no choice.

"Now." He snarls.

I stand up and walk over to the bed.

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