Page 40 of Unspoken Vendetta

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"Then I know - my dad dies - I die - we all die," I say angrily.

"Good. I think we understand each other. I will tell Mr. Amalfi to expect you downstairs in no more than fifteen minutes. Don't be late. He won't appreciate it."

He takes a step away from me and I breathe a sigh of relief, but the worst of it isn't over. This messenger is not the person I should be worried about. I hadn't seen Stefano in six years, and I left without a word or explanation. He is probably furious. And of course, the rumors we spread made it sound like I had met and married someone else. I know it would have hurt him. I just had no other way to get away from him and keep Elle safe.

The messenger guy pulls the storeroom door open and steps out of it. I hear his bulky footsteps walking away from me, down the hallway, to let Stefano know what I've agreed to.

I stand there for a few minutes fighting tears and deep, anxiety-filled fear. My entire body is shaking uncontrollably. I don't want to see Stefano in this state. I need to be grounded and focused. I need to look composed. But the thought of seeing him at all has my mind and body reacting in ways I simply cannot control.

I know that when I left, I was still madly in love with him. I've done my best to avoid thinking about that pain because I cannot be in love with a monster if I want my daughter to have a safe life.

I take my time in the storeroom, breathing slowly, closing my eyes, and concentrating on what I have to do. I don't need any of my colleagues seeing me like this and asking questions. This is where I work. This is the hospital my child is getting treated in. I don't want drama here. I don't want them to know that I am associated with one of the cruelest mafia bosses in the city.

Finally, I push the door open and step into the clinically bright hospital hallway with glaring white lights overhead.

I go straight to my daughter's room. I have to know that she is ok before I go and meet Stefano. They made it clear that they knew where my father was; he didn't necessarily threaten Elle, but I know Stefano. It is not beneath him to go after entire families, and he has no idea that Elle is his daughter.

I step inside her room quietly. I'm relieved that she is asleep because I really don't want her to see me like this. I stand next to her bed and lay my hand over her chest. Her breathing soothes me.

The treatment in the IV bag is about halfway. She will feel a little better after it's finished, but as always, it's only temporary relief for my baby girl.

I whisper. "I will keep you safe little one. I promise."

I bite my lower lip.

I have no choice.

I have to go.

So, I turn around and leave her room, and start heading towards the coffee shop downstairs. At least he has agreed to meet me in a public place. Somewhere I know. Not that it makes it any less dangerous, but I am delusional and attached to the idea that it keeps me at least marginally safe.

I keep my face turned down as I walk as though I am in a hurry so that no one I pass tries to draw me into a conversation. I'll get to the coffee shop. Sit down. Hear him out. Get it over with as quickly as possible and then leave.

That's my plan.

I'm terrified though.

The elevator opens on the ground floor and people flood into it as I step out.

Just around the corner is the coffee shop. I pause, take a deep breath, run my hands over my scrubs, and tuck loose strands of hair behind my ear.


I can do this.

I've got this.

I spot Stefano as soon as I come around the corner and immediately, he spots me.

My blood runs icy cold and fire hot at the same time.

He looks gorgeous.

I hold my head up high and my shoulders back as I walk towards him. His gaze stays locked on me.

The dark close-cut stubble across his face and the scar above his left eye that wasn't there before made him look rugged and sexy.

He is wearing a black suit, without a jacket, the sleeves rolled up over his forearms and his muscles pressing against the fabric.

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