Page 27 of Unspoken Vendetta

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"I know." Tears fall silently down my face.

He stares right at me, into my soul, as intense a stare as I have ever felt.

"It's going to be ok, Lia. We are going to make sure you are safe, ok."

I nod.

"I have to make a few phone calls. You two go ahead and start dinner."

My father leaves the room, and my mother sits next to me. The chef returns and starts dishing up the food and I stare at it feeling as though I will never be able to eat again.

"Come on, honey. You need to eat, for you and your little one."

Later that night I am sitting in my bedroom, trying to process everything.

My parents both come in and sit on the end of my bed.

My dad looks sad.

"Lia, you need to pack. Tomorrow evening you are going to leave. I have arranged for you to go and stay with a family I know very well. You will be in hiding. I trust them and know that they will take care of you and your baby. This is the only way to make sure he can't reach you. If you stay here, he will never stop trying."

"Tomorrow night," I murmur. "Will I be able to see you and Mom?"

"No honey. It won't be safe."

I bite back tears. Then nod. I don't have a choice. It's not for me; it's for my baby.

My parents sit with me for a while, explaining everything that will happen. I am holding my engagement ring in my hand, spinning it between my fingers, wondering how everything changed so quickly and what my future is going to look like.

I hardly sleep at all that night, knowing it is the last night I will be here, in my room, with my parents. Knowing it is the last night of living this life and that from tomorrow everything is going to change.

My heart is breaking.

My soul is shattered.

I can't stop holding the engagement ring.

I love Stefano. I know I do. I wanted to be with him forever. But I have to do what is right. Finally, around five in the morning, I can't take it anymore. I get up, and shower, feeling the pangs of morning sickness. I get ready slowly, methodically, as though I am on autopilot.

Then I take one of my father's cars and drive to Stefano's mansion. I know he isn't there. But this is my way of saying goodbye.

The guards let me in without hesitation because they knew we were engaged.

I make my way through the hallways, past the bedrooms, to his office.

I slip the gorgeous engagement ring off my finger and place it on his desk, right in front of his chair.

Pain surges through me in uncontrollable waves. I can't even explain to him how much this is hurting me. I can't tell him how sorry I am.

I gather every bit of strength I have and force myself to walk away.

I have to.

For my baby.


The business trip was longer than I would have liked because any time away from Lia drives me a little crazy. I need to be with her. She is the moon to my sun, the stars in my darkness. She is everything to me and I need her.

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