Page 104 of Unspoken Vendetta

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As quietly as possible I climb off the bed, wincing when it squeaks.

I shake Elle awake and quickly clasp my hand over her mouth, pressing my fingers against my lips to signal that she shouldn't make a sound.

Her eyes are wide and terrified. My heart breaks to see her like this. I've made such a massive mistake bringing her here. I should never have put her in this position. I was just so desperate to help her.

As quietly as possible I lift her off the bed and wrap her legs around my waist. I whisper in her ear that she needs to close her eyes and not open them until I say it's ok.

Then I start walking towards the door.

Each step I take is more tense than the last. I feel as though my head is going to explode.

I wrap my hand around Matteo's keys. They grate along the shelf as I pick them up. I pause and look behind me. No one noticed.

I turn towards the door - I'm so close - I start walking and I don't look behind me.

The anxiety is so tense I don't know how my legs are still walking.

Then I'm on the stairway, and I still don't hear anyone following.

I'm down one flight of stairs, a second, a third.

That's when I hear shouts from above.

"Where the fuck are they?" Matteo's voice echoed through the empty building.

I start running.

"Fucking find them." He screams in anger.

I'm running as fast as I can, down the stairs; Elle's gripped so tightly against me I might be hurting her.

She starts crying.

"I know, baby; I'm so sorry; we're almost out."

We burst through the building doors into the very faint morning light.

I run straight to Matteo's car, pressing the button to unlock it, accidentally locking it again, swearing under my breath.

I pull the door open and practically throw Elle onto the passenger seat then I leap into the driver's side and start the engine as two security guards come bursting through the doors of the old building.

I slam my foot against the accelerator and the tires screech loudly in protest, trying to grip the tar, and then the car shoots forward.

I scream in fright. Everything is happening so fast. I have to focus. I have to find my way out of here.

I drive too fast. The white Mercedes the guards are in is right behind me. They keep flashing their lights and once or twice they take a shot towards my tires.

Elle is crying loudly and has crawled into the leg space in front of the passenger seat.

I can't focus on her now.

I need to save us.

But I don't know where I am.

The Mercedes slams into the back of the car I'm driving, and I'm jolted forward.

The car starts spinning out and despite my best efforts to pull it back I only seem to make it worse.

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