Page 102 of Unspoken Vendetta

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"It will. I'll be long gone before you know anything."

He hangs up the phone again. Obviously, he knows he can't meet me. I had to try though. He knows I'll tear him to pieces the second I see him.

I have to keep speaking to people I know. Someone, somewhere, knows something.

So, I don't give up, because I have no other option. I keep calling and after two very frustrating hours, I catch a break.

"Stefano, I want to assure you I had no idea he was planning to go against you. I would have told you if I knew that." Remington says, his voice filled with anxiety. He is a known associate of my brothers and does some smaller deals with me as well. It turns out he has more respect, or perhaps fear, for me than for Matteo.

"It doesn't matter at this point. I just need info - anything - to help me figure out where he is. I know he deals in the black market organ trade. He confessed that today. So, where would he base himself for something like that?"

"I'll tell you what I know, but please, leave my family out of this," Remington begs.

"Remington, if you tell me what I need to know then I have absolutely nothing against you. In fact, you will be in my good books."

He sighs heavily.

"Ok. Go speak to a guy named Pillia. He works in the morgue at the hospital - the one on Main Street in the city center. He's done some deals with your brother. Deliveries and such."

"I won't forget this," I tell Remington and hang up the phone. I've got what I need. A name and a place. From there I can get the next step.

"James," I shout as I run down the stairs. He comes out of one of the rooms with his phone in his hand looking disheveled and stressed. He's also been on the phone for hours, trying to chase down any information.

"We can't track him." James mutters in annoyance.

"It doesn't matter. We have a lead. Ride with me to the hospital." I don't stop walking as I talk, and he falls in line behind me as we head out to the car.

I climb into the passenger side, letting James drive so I can think things through.

My mind is drifting in all directions.

Elle is in serious danger. She's weak, exhausted, her immune system is low - and my fucking half brother has her in some shit hole doing fuck knows what to her.

Surely, he wouldn't be stupid enough to actually go ahead with this. I will hunt him down. I will kill him in the slowest and most painful way I can think of.

Elle is my daughter. I've already lost one child and he is now threatening the life of my other child.

I have to assume she's still alive and nothing has happened to her yet. I have to assume I can get to her on time otherwise I'm going to make myself crazy.

I lean my head back against the headrest and press my fingers against my closed eyes.

My thoughts turn towards Amelia and I sigh with heavy frustration running through me. I shouldn't care what happens to her. I can't trust her. But my heart is telling me something else. My heart is aching at the thought of losing her.

It's telling me that I want to save her as much as I want to save Elle.

Why? Why would I want her around when she lied to me for so many years?

I keep repeating to myself that I don't care what happens to her as long as I get my daughter back - but no matter how much I say it I just know it isn't true.

I want her.


The longer I sit here the more anxious I get.

The more I can smell the stale urine and toxic air.

The more I know that there is something else going on.

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