Page 21 of Trapped By Desire

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And yet, despite that, they were kissing again, lips melded, hands running over each other, naked bodies writhing, moving so one moment she was on top of him and the next him on her until they rolled off the sofa and onto the floor, both laughing at the unexpectedness of that before they kissed once more, and the passion building between them made laughing or speaking entirely impossible.

Benedetto stepped out of his trousers swiftly, removing a slim leather wallet from his pocket and from that wallet a familiar foil square, which Amelia was delighted to see, as she’d been so swept up in the moment she’d almost forgotten contraception.

He stripped naked and sheathed himself and Amelia’s mouth grew dry at the sight of his enormous arousal, the size of him alone quite frightening as she imagined taking him inside her. But then he was back on the floor with her, his weight on top of her body, his mouth seeking hers before he moved to her breasts, kissing her as he had the day before, rolling her nipple in his mouth, tasting, tormenting, his hands at her hips shifting lower, between her legs, separating her there, teasing the entry to her sex, promising so much that she was moaning his name over and over, crying out with nonsensical sounds driven by white-hot need and passion. Finally his tip was there, and she was no longer afraid but euphoric and desperate, so she lifted her hips and pulled him in, crying out with relief as he breached her most intimate space and possessed her in a way she’d never known possible.

Hers was a guttural cry of relief, his of restraint, as he thrust as gently as he could deeper, deeper, until finally his entire length was buried in Amelia and she grew still, eyes wide, staring at him. He ran a hand over her face.


His concern touched something deep in her chest. She could only nod.

He kissed her then, his tongue moving in time with each shift of his hips, each powerful thrust, the hairs on his chest rough against her over-sensitised nipples, her whole body on fire, pleasure a violent storm now, rather than just a rising current. She felt as though she were being rocked in a thousand directions; as if her body were entirely unfamiliar to her. Every part of her, every nerve ending, every fibre, was exploding, jangling, radiating a whole new frequency. She scraped her nails down his back, crying out as her body began to quiver and tremble as if she were tipping over the edge of a chasm with no ground in sight, only stars and heaven and beautiful sky. She was flying through the stars, the heavens, all celestial, perfect radiant life encapsulated in her as she dug her heels into the base of his spine and held him deep, held him still, as her muscles tensed and spasmed, her body exploding in a powerful, all-consuming release that left Amelia utterly breathless.

She lay, eyes closed, the waves still rolling over her, the tide still lapping at her sides, and then he was moving again, gently at first, letting her get used to the feeling as her insides were still squeezing with release, and then he began to move faster, his mouth seeking first one breast, then the other, his hands roaming her body freely, moving between her legs, stroking her there as he thrust inside her so the pleasures were almost impossible to bear. And she felt the madness returning, threatening to devour her, she felt pleasure filling each pore of her body and threatening to explode it and then she was on the brink of losing herself once more just as he did, so their euphoria was mutual, shared, a total joining of passion and pleasure, of release and relief.

He weaved their fingers together, holding her hands above her as he stilled, and she felt his release, she felt her own body spasm and cried out because it was all so perfect, so desperately, hauntingly right.

‘I—don’t know what to say,’ she murmured after a long time, when their breathing had returned to normal but neither had moved.

‘Do we need to say anything?’ he asked, and then he did shift, pulling away from her, rolling to his side, propping up on one elbow to study her.

‘I guess not,’ she agreed, brows knitted together. Her mind though was swirling with thoughts, awakenings, needs, reassurances. Namely, she wanted to know that this wasn’t going to be the only time they experienced that. ‘I like you more when you make me feel like that,’ she said softly, and he laughed, a sound that filled her body with another kind of pleasure.

She smiled, closed her eyes, turned her head and then blinked languidly, scanning the room for the first time. And gasping. She’d been vaguely aware of an enormous piece of wall-size art when they’d entered but had been too caught up in Benedetto to give it another moment’s thought. But now she realised it wasn’t artwork so much as windows beneath the water giving the most stunning view of the ocean, which was teeming with brightly coloured fish. She scrambled to sit despite the cataclysmic shift that had just taken place inside herself, and saw that the floor also had a large strip of glass, revealing yet another vista. She reached for his arm and gripped it, simply because she almost couldn’t believe what she was witnessing.

‘It’s so beautiful, Benedetto. It’s just incredible.’

He was quiet. She spun to face him, smiling, lost in her appreciation for this room, so didn’t see the way he was watching her.

‘I’ve never seen anything like it.’

‘It’s a nice feature,’ he agreed belatedly.

‘The stone benchtops in the bathrooms are a nice feature,’ she contradicted. ‘This is mesmerising.’

She pulled her knees to her chest, rested her chin on them. ‘I could stay in here for hours, watching the fish swim by. Or us swim by them, whichever it is.’


‘Right.’ She smiled again, her eyes trained on the water.

‘When we stop, it’s better. They become curious and swim right up to the boat.’

‘Oh, I’d like to see that.’

‘I’ll arrange it.’

She resisted the urge to ask him to stop them for ever.

For ever wasn’t right anyway, but there would be worse places—and worse people—to hide out with for the rest of her days.

‘Do you feel better?’

She blinked, something fraying on the edges of her mind before jolting into her fully, reminding her of their conversation Before.

She turned to face him as he reached for a blanket off the edge of the sofa and passed it to her. She took it gratefully, wrapping it around her shoulders, but it wasn’t her body that felt exposed so much as her innermost thoughts and worries.

‘I feel pleasantly distracted,’ she said honestly. ‘Can we just keep doing that? Then I won’t have time to worry about home.’

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