Page 108 of Trapped By Desire

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Her eyes widened. Before she could say anything, he surrendered himself to his desire and took her mouth in a kiss.

Griffith slanted his lips across hers, swallowed her moan of pleasure. His hands moved over her, pressed against her back and urged her closer. Her fingers moved over his face, over his scars.

He tensed.

She grabbed his face in her hands. His own came up, covered hers, the intimacy of his palms on her fingers driving her wild.

He moved so quickly he startled a gasp from her as he eased her back onto the blanket.


He kissed her again, claimed her with deep, possessive strokes of his tongue. Her murmurs of delight, his answering moans of passion, fed her, slipped into her veins and heated her blood.

And then there was nothing but sensation, pure and unadulterated sensation as her head dropped back and he set his lips to her jaw. He kissed his way down to the hollow of her throat, laved the sensitive skin with his tongue as she moaned. His fingers undid the buttons on the bodice of her dress, pulled the material down and divested her of her bra with one quick move.

“Not fair.” She nodded at his shirt. “You’re overdressed.”

He grinned and stood, yanking his shirt, pants and briefs off, tossing the clothes somewhere onto the grass before he rejoined her on the blanket. She pushed herself up onto her elbows and stared at him in the sunlight. His well-defined muscles, from his toned arms to his chiseled abs, spoke to the physical discipline he held himself to.

And the scars that covered the left side of his body, trailing down over a muscular thigh all the way to his ankle, spoke to the trauma he had overcome, and survived.

Griffith, her heart cried out, do you not realize how incredible you are?

She stretched out a hand. He pressed her down onto the blanket as he kissed her again. His lips moved farther down, over the swells of her breasts and her taut nipples, sucking first one rosy peak and then another into his mouth. She cried out, arched against him as he drifted lower still, pulling the hem of her dress up and groaning when he realized she wore no underwear.

He placed his mouth where he had just a day ago. He coaxed her to new heights of pleasure with long, leisurely kisses that drugged her body and sent her spiraling toward pleasure.

She peaked, cried his name. Went limp.

Then came alive again as he moved up over her body. She felt his hardness probing her most intimate flesh. Instinct had her parting her thighs, running her hands up over his back as he pressed inside her. He moved, long strokes that built her up and made her soar. The warmth of the sun, the soft kiss of the wind on her bare skin, the sensualness of making love in broad daylight, all of it heightened the incredible pleasure of Griffith moving inside her, claiming her with every thrust. Sensation built, so bright it was almost painful as she reached her peak. She cried out his name, felt herself come apart as he groaned hers.

And knew as he cradled her close that she had lost her heart to the man who called himself a monster.


SUNLIGHT WOKE HIM. Rosalind’s warmth pressed against his side, one arm thrown across his chest and her curls spilling over his shoulder.

He breathed in her scent, allowed himself the luxury of running his fingers through her hair, gently gliding down her back. She murmured in her sleep and her arm tightened around him. The gesture struck him squarely in the heart.

He’d awoken next to lovers before of course. But never had he looked down at their sleeping faces and felt such contentment.

Rosalind’s lashes lay dark against her cheek. Her lips were slightly parted, her breathing heavy and even. Satisfaction curled through him. Given how many times they had made love the day before, exploring each other’s bodies, indulging the desires they’d both fought for days, he was surprised that he had awoken refreshed and alert.

Especially after their final interlude on the balcony in his room as night had fallen. They’d spent the rest of the day lounging on the blanket, dozing beneath the sun and engaging in another round of lovemaking. By the time they’d returned, the sun had been setting.

As they’d eaten, she’d asked about the third floor of the chateau. He’d taken her up and given her a tour of the sectioned-off attic, along with his office and his private chamber. He’d shown her the incredible view from his balcony and left her there to go downstairs for another bottle of wine. He’d returned and gone hard at the sight of her naked as she leaned against the railing. The smile she’d shot him as he’d walked out had been daring with a touch of shyness. The intoxicating mix had pulled him in. Instead of leading her back inside, he’d slid his fingers into her curls and anchored her head as he’d plundered her mouth, drinking her moans like a man dying of thirst.

Then he’d turned her around, placed his hands on her hips, and slid inside her. He’d nearly come right then as she’d pushed back, taking him deeper and embracing the wildness of their lovemaking beneath the moon.

Just as he had embraced the connection between them, surrendered to the temptation to show his feelings of tenderness.

When she’d started to roll away, he’d reached out, grabbed her wrist and pulled her back against him. Wide-eyed, she’d stared at him as he’d cupped her face.


He couldn’t think of a more beautiful sight than the sweet smile she’d given him before sinking back down against him as he’d pulled the sheet over their naked bodies.

Now she stirred again, murmured something in her sleep, and curled tighter against him. He smiled slightly as he leaned over to kiss her forehead before climbing out of bed. As he walked toward the bathroom, he glanced back over his shoulder. She had already moved to the middle of the bed, arms and legs splayed with her face buried into a pillow. His body stirred at the curve of her bare back, the slope of one naked thigh tangled in the sheets. With the glow of morning lighting the room and her soft snores, he couldn’t remember the last time he’d felt this content. The last time everything had seemed perfect.

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