Page 5 of Bloodline Unbound

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I ignored the burst of warmth where Seth’s lips had touched my skin. He looked so much like Caden. Seth had the same gorgeous, sun-kissed skin, black hair, and hazel eyes that turned my knees to jelly. If I didn’t know one of them so intimately, I’d easily be able to mistake one for the other at a distance. The only immediately discernible differences were that Seth had a more cheeky, playful vibe than Caden did, and a slimmer build.

Caden hissed and wriggled free from Seth’s grip, shifting back to his human form before he hit the floor. “Fuck off.”

“You know, I really thought he’d be in a better mood after he started living with you,” said Seth.

“He hates happiness,” I joked, shooting a wink at Caden. “We weren’t expecting you back so soon.”

“I need a place to crash for a couple ni?—”

“No.” Caden spat out the word before Seth could even finish his sentence.

“Come on.” Seth turned to me, ignoring Caden. “Please. I’ll be good. I’ll even pay for the privilege.”

I raised an eyebrow. I’d never, ever made him pay to stay with me. “You’re always welcome here. You know that.”

He turned his brilliant smile onto me. My heart fluttered happily.

“Have you been hanging around in people-form?” I asked. “You showed up in clothes this time.”

Seth laughed. “Yeah, I’ve been spending time with a few buddies. I figured you’d both appreciate it if I popped up while wearing pants.” He looked pointedly at Caden. “Some of us would appreciate it if everyone was clothed.”

Caden’s hackles rose and he stalked away long enough to grab a pair of sweatpants from our bedroom, returning half dressed. “Why are you back early?”

“You’re out of the loop with shifter shit.” Seth shoved his hands in his pockets. “I figured you probably hadn’t heard about the attacks.”

Caden’s nostrils flared. “What attacks?”

“See, exactly,” Seth said. “You have no idea what’s going on with you playing human in Logan-land.”

I snapped my fingers in front of Seth’s face. “Focus. What’s going on?”

“Right, sorry.” He swung an arm around my shoulders. “I was at a club tonight and something killed two of us. I figured Caden should be aware since it was only like an hour from here.”

“What killed them?” Caden asked. He tugged me out of Seth’s grip and into his own. I stroked a soothing hand down his back until he relaxed.

“Not a fucking clue.” Seth shrugged. “It was invisible to me and I didn’t stick around long enough. I think it might be the same thing I’ve felt the last couple of months.”

“So, something is probably tracking you, and you’re bringing it here instead of calling?” Caden looked pissed as hell.

Seth looked down at his feet. “I don’t have a phone right now and I wanted you to know. And I figured if I ended up having to run from something, the safest place would be with you.”

The words softened Caden a little, but he was still tense under my hands. “I need you to leave,” he said to Seth.

I bristled at Caden’s words.

“Dude, this is Logan’s house, not yours,” said Seth, a panicked edge sneaking into his voice. “If she wants me out, she can tell me herself.”

I barely got Seth around to begin with. I certainly wasn’t going to kick him out when he was spooked. “You can stay.”

Caden’s face pinched.

“Quit looking like you bit into a lemon.” I patted his chest. “We can’t send your little brother out into the night when something might be after him.”

“See, she gets it,” said Seth.

Caden dropped into his house cat form and hissed. He tended to shift when his emotions got the better of him. Complex feelings were easier to manage with a little walnut brain. He paw-slapped Seth’s leg and I scooped him up.

“Back off, babe.” I scratched behind his ears. “Seth, you can stay for tonight so we can figure things out. Caden, I need you to deal with it.”

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