Page 41 of Bloodline Unbound

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She was looking at me again.

Caden did something annoyingly secret and she bit her lip, her gaze molten and searing. She needed to stop being so fucking tempting. I swayed towards her without meaning to, planting my hands on the couch between her spread ankles.

Everyone paused. I wasn’t touching her, but I was near enough to feel the heat from her body. A low growl rumbled out of Caden. I inched back, breathing hard, but not as hard as Logan when he nipped at her throat and she came again.


So fucking perfect.

It wasn’t fair.

Back up, little brother. Caden’s voice filled my head and I scooted farther away.


I hadn’t meant to think it, let alone broadcast it, but it wasn’t possible to rip it back into my own head and out of his.

He stilled and lifted his head to see me. Please, what?

I hesitated. I thought about saying I didn’t mean it, but we both knew that was a lie.

You know what.

Caden nuzzled Logan’s cheek, still moving his hands to keep her wiggling and panting. She nodded frantically a half second before seizing in his arms, coming again. Fuck, I was jealous. I wished I were coming right now.

“He wants to touch you,” said Caden, dropping a kiss to her throat. “Should we let him?”

My tongue felt so thick I couldn’t even swallow as I waited for her answer.

“Yes, please.” Her voice was so tentative, but she said it. She fucking said it. She wanted me to touch her.

“Keep it PG.” Caden eyed me carefully. “If you go somewhere I don’t like, this will stop.”

I set a shaking hand on Logan’s knee. She felt like a furnace under those leggings and I wanted to let myself burn. I inched closer. She looked at me from her comfortable perch against Caden, waiting for me to do more. I cupped her face and brushed my thumb over her cheek. Her eyes fluttered closed and she leaned into the touch.

The audacity.

Who gave her permission to get all soft like that?

I swallowed hard and got myself a bit more comfortable. The couch was cramped with all of us crammed onto one edge of the couch. I thought about asking if we could move to the bed instead but I was pretty fucking sure Caden would deny me just because he could.

I got a little bold and moved my thumb to touch Logan’s lips. They parted softly against the slightest pressure and it took every ounce of willpower to not pop it right in there for her to suck on. It was too early to risk that.

Her eyes opened slowly and her tongue darted through that tiny gap and licked at the pad of my thumb. Electricity bolted through me. Why the fuck did that feel as good as I imagined her mouth on my dick would?

Logan gave me a teasing smile. I dropped my forehead to hers. Caden would probably stop things if I kissed her, but I debated if that was worth ending things early or not. Her breathing turned to panting, those perfect sounds reaching a crescendo right next to my fucking ears. I struggled not to come at the noises she was making so close to me. I grit my teeth and ruthlessly shoved it all down.

That fucking dream filled in all the missing spaces of the experience. I knew exactly what she’d feel like if she came while I was inside her. That didn’t help the current situation at all.

Caden took zero pity on either of us and Logan made a choked-off groan. She’d definitely gotten louder, and not just because I could hear her better up close. She squirmed harder in Caden’s grip and he slid a hand all the way up to hold her by the throat, giving me a glimpse of the expanse of skin under her sweater. I brushed reverent fingertips over her stomach, and the muscles twitched under my touch. I laid my palm flat, getting as much skin as I could while it was there for the taking.

I wanted to kiss her so fucking bad. Her mouth was right there. I nearly lost my mind when she finally reached out and tangled her hand in my hair, gripping tight at the back of my neck.

Logan arched towards me as Caden unraveled her again and I didn’t last. Sensation rolled through me, my dick pulsing, turning my underwear into a sloppy mess. It was like I was a fucking teen splooging over a dirty magazine. I shuddered and kept my forehead to Logan’s, trying to keep some semblance of control on myself. Her grip was so strong I nearly winced, but I chose to revel in the contact. We were both huffing and puffing while Caden was cool as a fucking cucumber.


“Too hot,” she whined.

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