Page 33 of Bloodline Unbound

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I wasn’t always so good at patience. Luckily Logan had met me when I’d mostly gotten my shit together. Now I craved this as much as she did. There was little more intoxicating than the trust she put in me to keep her safe while she was like this.

“I’m here,” I murmured against her skin and curled around her so I could make sure she stayed warm.

I kept careful watch over her. Monitoring her breathing, checking that the ropes hadn’t shifted or that she wasn’t pressing against them so hard she’d cut off circulation. Assured of her safety, I let myself relax next to her. It was a good opportunity to chill myself out, too.

I matched my breathing to hers

Her skin was soft beneath my fingertips. Dipping down, I took her nipple into my mouth, coaxing it to attention with slow, lazy curls of my tongue. She shivered, her lips parting with a soft exhale. After I’d traced over the ropes and had my fill of the taste of her skin, I slid down. With the way she was tied, her glistening core was fully visible to me. As tempting as it was to bury my cock in her, it wasn’t time quite yet. She was still too deep. I had to take my time bringing her back.

Patience was always rewarded.

Apulsing beat pounded my body. My heartbeat always became infinitely loud when I was bound, as strong as if I were being struck with every pump of its movement. I was aware of the forest around me, swaying, rooted deep and spanning endlessly around us. The bed stopped existing. I moved in shadow and fog, letting worries melt away as I stepped into the beyond.

Take him.

The words were whispered, echoing in the darkness. The voice sounded so familiar.

Shadow coalesced into form and a woman made of moonlight stood before me. She was familiar too but I couldn’t place her. Her eyes were the darkest blue I’d ever seen and black hair fell to her feet like sheets of silk over pale skin so luminous it looked as though she were lit by the stars from within.

Your destiny is coming. Find them. Take them.

I had no idea what she meant. Her presence washed over me like cool water and the shadows parted. The forest swept in around me and Seth stepped from between the trees. He looked so confused until he saw me. His gaze was like a punch to the chest. I walked toward him, the earth soft under my feet, the wind pushing urgently at my back.

“Where are we?” he asked.

I had no answer, so I gave none. Instead, I reached out, letting my palm rest against his chest. His heart pounded like a drum beneath my fingers and fire glowed in his eyes.

“Lo.” He whispered his short name for me with a voice roughened by need, and desire rippled down my spine.

It was only a dream.

I could have him here. Caden couldn’t be hurt by thoughts he didn’t know existed.

Take him.

The forest whispered around us. Who was I to disobey the will of the earth itself? I leaned in, letting us stand chest to chest, and rose on my tiptoes. It was all the signal he needed. His mouth dipped against mine, his kiss pouring through me like magma.

Fucking hell.

Seth backed me up against one of the massive trees and I savored the bite of the bark. He held me so tightly, like he thought I might vanish if he loosened his grip. Sweet gods. The craving for him ran so deep. His tendrils had rooted in me, seeking, reaching, winding deeper until I had no idea how I’d ever extract him without destroying myself. Caden was rooted just as deeply, their tendrils wrapping around me and each other. Caden was solid and familiar. My rock. Seth was a new factor, bright and chaotic. Invigorating.

Why him?

Caden was perfect for me.

Why did I want Seth too?

His hands snaked over my body, teasing and squeezing, exploring every inch he’d been denied before. Seth cupped my ass and I realized the clothes I’d had on in the dream were gone. His had disappeared too.


Seth’s fingers dug into me and I hopped up so he was forced to catch me and brace me harder against the tree. My pussy pressed against his stomach and his cock tapped at my ass.

I wanted little more in this world than I wanted dream-Seth to throw me down on the moss and fuck into me with every ounce of his strength.

“Seth.” His name slid out of me in a sigh. “I need you to ruin me.”

He shivered against me. “I want to.”

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