Page 24 of Bloodline Unbound

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“Maybe she only wanted you to see her.”

Logan allowed me to put a fresh robe on her before I gathered her up to come into the living room. Seth already had a fire going to fill the room with warmth.

He turned towards us. “I’m thinking we’ll be okay with another night here. I didn’t go very far before that thing caught up to me, but we put some decent distance between us.”

“Are we going to run forever?” Logan asked.

“At least until we figure out what’s hunting us and how to kill it,” I replied.

She didn’t like that response. I could tell by the bristling tension of her body, but she bit her tongue.

“I need to see it again so I have a better idea of what the possibilities are.”

“Wait.” Seth’s eyes widened. “Again?”

“Yeah.” Logan seemed confused for a moment until she remembered. “Oh, right. You can’t see it.”

Seth turned to me. “How the fuck?”

I could only shrug. I hadn’t a clue why the hell Logan could see things we couldn’t. She’d never talked about seeing things before.

“Is this a new thing or have you just never mentioned it before?”

“New. I don’t remember it ever happening in the past. Just since Seth popped up.”

I glared at my brother even though it was probably not his fault. Everything came back to him.

“Please don’t look at me like that,” he whispered. “I’d never hurt her.”

I bit back what I wanted to say. Intention was different from action. He hadn’t meant to hurt Rachel either. Logan set a soft hand on my chest and I let it soothe away my tension. Seth didn’t matter right now. She did.

Her stomach growled and I laughed quietly, pressing a kiss to her forehead. “We should get you some food. It’s been a rough morning.”

“Food sounds amazing.”

Seth perked up. “I saw a nice-looking diner on our way in.”

“I like diners.” Logan leaned against me and I summoned up a purr to help her relax.

“Get yourself dressed,” I told her, though I had no clothes on either. “We’ll bring everything with us just in case. The last thing we want is to come back from breakfast and find that thing crawling all over this place with our stuff inside.”

We parted ways long enough to all get dressed for the day and get our supplies packed and loaded into the car.

It wasn’t until we sat down inside the diner that I realized how hungry I was. Or how exhausted. We ordered enough food to feed an army and I gulped down some sweetened, creamy coffee to ease the roar of my stomach while we waited. Seth was eyeballing the sugar like he might pour it straight down his gullet to tame his hunger.

I was ready to chew my own arm off by the time the server returned. A whole pancake disappeared in three bites without even the benefit of syrup. I washed it down with coffee and sat for a moment as the spongy sweetness tempered some of the growls. We polished off the breakfast platters so quickly the server’s eyes widened when she returned to top up our coffees.

My phone pinged, a notification from the forums popping up. Hope inflated a bubble in my chest. I pulled up the thread and read the reply.

My bestie is a legacy witch and she said it sounds kind of like something they’ve been having problems with. They lost six of their coven in an attack a few months ago and haven’t been back together since. It drained their magic, sucked the blood from them until they passed out. They died before anything could be done.

Revulsion turned my gut. I read it over again. I didn’t personally know any witches. Legacy ones, anyway. Logan was a practitioner, but she was a religious witch, not the kind this person was talking about.

I turned to Seth. Know any legacy witches?

Don’t think so. Why?

I passed my phone to Logan and she clapped a hand over her mouth. “Oh gods.” She took a shaky sip of her coffee.

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