Page 25 of For Her

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Sitting on the ground, I leaned back against the rough bark of a tree, basking in the shade. How rude had he been by not including me? I could’ve helped with whatever was going on. Pouting was not a good look, I knew that, but what else was I supposed to do? I didn’t know how to get back down to the main ranch from here, and I’d already put all of the breakfast stuff away, so here I was, pouting.

Besides, my own actions toward Cassidy were confusing myself, so why would they not have confused him even more? He had every right to leave me behind.

My horse grazed off to the side, ground tied with his saddle resting beside me. How lucky he was to not have Cassidy holding a grudge against him.

“What are you doing over here?” A voice interrupted my pity party, and I glanced up.

“Hi, again,” I replied, giving the red-headed boy a stiff smile.

“Keaton.” He pointed at himself. “This is Dallas.” He nodded at the red roan mare behind him.

“Well, it’s nice to meet you both. Briar,” I answered, pointing to myself. “And no idea.” I added, pointing at the horse I’d ridden yesterday.

“You should learn his name. Uncle Cassidy says that they recognize them,” Keaton chastised.

Chuckling to myself, I glanced over the empty field. “You don’t like me.”

“His name is Bud, in case you were wondering,” he answered shortly.


“And no, I don’t.” He crossed his arms, narrowing his gaze.

“Why not?”

“Because you were kind of rude to Uncle Cassidy.”

“It’s not—”

“Ugh, why does everyone talk to me like I’m still nine years old?” he whined, rolling his eyes.

“I didn’t think you were nine.”

His brows twitched, the freckles on his cheeks nearly disappearing beneath the red that blossomed. “I’m sorry,” he mumbled. “I didn’t think about the fact that you have no idea what I’m talking about.”

“I’m assuming it’s related to whatever happened this morning?” I asked and patted the grass beside me.

He ground tied his horse and plopped himself down beside me. “Yeah…”

“Cassidy told me you’d forget since you were headed to go check the cattle with your brother this morning. And he didn’t share the story with me either,” I replied, and Keaton pulled his knees up to his chest. He simply stared straight ahead, and silence filled the space between us. Whatever had happened, whatever story it was, was not going to be told to me by Keaton either.

“There’s a lot of change going on,” he eventually said, his voice quieter than it had been.

“If that ain’t the truth,” I muttered, chuckling. He had no idea, but at the same time, I bet he could feel it in the air.

“Even I knew Uncle Cassidy was a bit of a ladies’ man a few years ago despite not understanding what was so appealing about girls that would drive him to be one.” The blush on his cheeks deepened. “I think I get what is so appealing about girls now.”

A smile spread on my face. “Oh?”

His eyes shot my way. “Anyway, can you please be honest with me since no one else will? I can handle it.”

“About this morning?” I asked, and he nodded. “I was cold last night. If you haven’t noticed, I’m a pretty skinny girl.” Leaning toward him, I bumped up against his shoulder. “Anyway, all your uncle did was help keep me warm. I promise.”

He sighed. “But Uncle Weston and Doc Tenley are married and having a baby now, and all they did was sleep,” he grumbled.

I blinked at him, confused. “I have no idea what that means.”

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