Page 47 of Spiral

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I’d had plenty of girls give me that look over the years. Jersey chasers, mainly. Girls that sit at the sidelines of every game, wearing my name across their back in hopes that I’ll notice them. Girls in my classes, who’d feign forgetting a pencil or not understanding a problem until I agreed to meet them after class to “study.” Girls at the Greek Row parties, who placed bets with their sorority sisters over which one of them would hook up with me that night in the dirty frat bathroom.

For years, I loved every second of it – girls chasing after me desperately, lust in their eyes, moans escapingfrom their parted lips the second I touch them. But now it feels different. I still get stares as I walk across campus, still see the girls whispering to their friends about me, asking me for my number, begging to go back to my apartment… but now, it means nothing to me. I can’t say yes to them. The only girl I’ve thought about since the second Danny bumped into her at her old apartment complex, is Georgia Campbell. Even when she hated me, she wouldn’t leave my mind. I never felt that way about Natalia when I dated her, never felt that way when I woke up hungover next to the latest sorority president. There’s something so intoxicating about her – like a drug I can’t get enough of.

I throw my jeans and worn cowboy boots to the ground beside my t-shirt, now left with only my black boxer briefs and a pair of socks. My skin prickles as a gust of cold wind blows through the center courtyard.

“How far do I need to go?” I ask, my teeth chattering as I pretend not to notice Georgia’s flickering gaze.

“To the Quad and back,” Danny answers, gesturing to the student military housing a few hundred yards away.

I don’t waste another second, breaking into a full sprint towards the illuminated arches marking the entrance of the Quad. The wind freezes my cheeks and burns my bare chest as I run, but I push through, ignoring the searing pain that courses through my swollen shoulder. As I reach the cobblestone pavement of the Quad, I pivot my heels and propel myself back towards the center courtyard, without pausing for a breath. With only a few hundred yards to go, my breath comes in rapid, shallow gasps as I strain to increase my speed. The rhythmic pounding of my heels against the pavement echoes in my ears, my cheeks rushing with exertion as my heart rate spikes.

“Dude, watch out!”

Before I can process Danny’s words, I crash. It’s like hitting a brick wall, and whoever it is doesn’t fall to the ground – hell, they hardly even stumble.

“Oh, shit. I’m so sorry, dude, that’s my bad,”I start, cradling my injured arm with my hand. The impact caused waves of pain to radiate through my side, but I do my best to ignore it.

“Watch where the fuck you’re going, Anderson,” Watson growls, straightening himself upwards and turning towards me. It’s hard to make out his features on the darkened campus, but I can tell he’s scowling.

“It was an accident, Watson,” I reply, matching his gaze with a tightened jaw.

He quickly flickers his eyes down to my bare torso and back towards my face, a smirk curling on his lips.

“Walk of shame? I wonder what Coach would think of you walking around campus like this. You realize this is indecent exposure?” His eyes glimmer devilishly.

“Who do you think he’ll believe? The captain of the team or the receiver who fumbled eight passes this season because he can’t show up to a game sober?”

I glance in the direction of Danny and Georgia, who are waiting in the courtyard just beyond earshot.

How am I going to explain this to Georgia? She still doesn’t know Watson tried to hit her on purpose.

“You better watch yourself, Anderson,” he grunts, glancing in Georgia’s direction. “Or next time I won’t miss.”

I feel my cheeks redden, my breathing slow and controlled.

“Go anywhere near her, and I’ll fucking kill you.”

“Is that a threat? From Mr. Goody Two Shoes? Mr. ‘I Stole the Heisman’ Anderson? You should’ve let Jonah go under – hell, I would’ve. You know, it’s not too late for me to tell Coach the truth.”

“What the fuck is your problem, Watson? Natalia not enough for you? You have to ruin my life while you’re at it?”

I step closer to him, my rage palpable.

“The Mavericks already want me, Watson. Giving you brain damage won’t change a thing about my future. Remember that.”

A look of concern flashes through his eyes, before immediately dissipating. He swallows but says nothing.

“And while we’re here,” I continue, unable to stop myself, “tell Natalia to stay out of my physical therapy. It’s enough she got me there in the first place. I don’t give a shit if she needs the hours for her PT courses, or Coach himself carries her into the room to tend to me. If she steps foot in there again, you’ll be the one paying for it.”

“What the hell are you talking about? Natalia isn’t a physical therapy student. She’s a biology major, dumbass.”

God fucking damnit. She snuck into my physical therapy?

I breathe in through gritted teeth, aware that Georgia’s watching me.

Don’t do anything you’ll regret. Remember how upset she was that you hurt Patrick.

“Just stay the fuck away from me, and stay the fuck away from Georgia.”

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