Page 5 of Run Little Fawn

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Why the hell not?

I let Damien take my hand and lead me onto the dance floor. He pulls me close, his body fitting against mine like a missing puzzle piece as the music slows. We move together, swaying in sync as the bass thrums through the soles of my feet. His hands are warm on my waist, his breath hot against my ear as he leans in until his lips tickle my hair.

"You're an incredible dancer."

I hum in response, my arms looping around his neck. The sharp scent of his cologne fills my nose, something dark and spicy that makes my head spin. Or maybe that's just the vodka talking.

We dance through a few more songs, our bodies growing bolder, the space between us disappearing entirely. The hard planes of his chest pressing against my breasts, the flex of his muscles beneath my fingertips… it's even more intoxicating than the alcohol. Like he's put a spell on me.

Maybe tonight wasn't a huge mistake after all.

As the music fades into a new track, Damien pulls back slightly, his gaze darkening. "Listen, I'm actually heading to another party after this. It's at the Gilded Lady, top floor ballroom. Highly exclusive if you don't have a personal invitation. I'd love for you to join me. Your friends, too, of course."

I blink at him in surprise. Why would he do something like that? A red flag waves somewhere in the back of my mind, screaming that this whole thing just got super weird, but the alcohol buzzing through my body yells "YES" over it.

"My friends and I aren't really dressed for that," I said with an awkward laugh.

He waves a hand dismissively. "Don't worry about that. They provide masks at the door. It's all part of the experience."

"Masks?" I echo, raising my eyebrows.

He chuckles. "Masquerade theme tonight."

I hesitate, glancing over at Natalie and the others. They're laughing and dancing without a care in the world, Jules's bachelorette sash glittering under the strobing lights.

It is her last night of freedom. And when's the next time I'll get an invite to some exclusive party at the fucking Gilded Lady?

They'd kill me if I said no to this.

"Let me talk to my friends," I say, untangling myself from his embrace. "I'll be right back."

Damien nods, a confident smirk on his lips. "I'll be here."

I weave my way back to Natalie, pulling her aside with an excited grin. "Okay, don't freak out, but we just got invited to a masquerade party at the Gilded Lady. Top floor ballroom, super exclusive."

Natalie's eyes widen, her mouth dropping open. "Shut the fuck up. Are you serious?"

I nod, biting my lip to contain my bewildered laughter. "Dead serious. He says they provide masks at the door and everything. What do you think? Should we rally the troops?"

"Uh, hell yes we should!" Natalie practically shouts, already rounding up Jules and the others. "Jules, babe, how do you feel about taking this bachelorette party to the next level?"

Jules, already well past tipsy and edging into full-blown drunk, cheers enthusiastically. "I'm so down! Let's do it!"

The rest of the girls echo her excitement, and within minutes, we're all gathered by the bar, ready to follow Damien to the promised land of the Gilded Lady. He grins as we approach, his eyes lingering on me in a way that sends heat rushing to my core.

"Ladies, your chariot awaits."

We spill out onto the street, the cool night air a welcome relief against my flushed skin. Damien leads the way, his hand finding my lower back as we navigate the crowded sidewalks. Natalie falls into step beside me, her face split in a mischievous grin.

"Look at you, Aria Moreau, getting us into the hottest party in the city. I knew that LBD was a good choice."

I laugh, shaking my head as I look down at my skintight black dress. "Hey, don't jinx it. For all we know, this could be some elaborate scheme to harvest our organs."

Natalie snorts. "Please, like any self-respecting organ harvester would go for your liver after all the abuse you've put it through tonight."

"Fuck you very much," I retort, bumping her with my hip. "You're the one who drove me to drink."

We dissolve into giggles, the alcohol and the thrill of the unexpected adventure making everything seem funnier than it probably is. As the bridal party makes its way out of the club and down the crowded city streets, the good times keep rolling.

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