Page 24 of Run Little Fawn

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But what's the worst that could happen? I get picked up by another serial killer? At least it won't be one that's been hunting me like an animal.

I've always been the careful one, the girl who follows the rules and plays it safe. Standing on the side of the road in the middle of nowhere, soliciting rides from strangers? It goes against every instinct I have.

But that's the point, isn't it? To do the unexpected. To throw Lucian off balance, keep him guessing. He probably thinks I'll steal another car, or hop on a bus.

And I will. But not yet. Not until I've left a trail of false leads and dead ends for him to follow.

He wants a challenge? Fine. I'll give it to him.

It's almost ten minutes before a truck rumbles to a stop beside me. The driver leans out, his bearded face creased with concern. "You okay there, miss? You need some help?"

I paste on my most disarming smile, channeling every ounce of innocent charm I can muster. "I'm headed to New York. Any chance you're going that way?"

He hesitates, clearly torn between his better judgment and the desire to help. I can see the moment he makes his decision, his shoulders slumping with resignation. "Climb on in. I can take you as far as Philly."

I scramble into the cab before he can change his mind, my duffel bag clutched to my chest like a shield. "Thanks. I really appreciate it."

"No problem. I'm Hank, by the way."

"Anna," I lie smoothly. My real name is too unusual. I don't need him to remember it.

We ride in silence for a while, the miles rolling by in a blur of trees and telephone poles. I keep my eyes glued to the side mirror, my heart leaping into my throat every time a car appears on the horizon.

Is it him?

Has he found me already?

But the cars pass without slowing, their drivers oblivious to the high-stakes game being played out on the asphalt.

I allow myself to relax fractionally, my death grip on my bag loosening.

Hank clears his throat, glancing at me from the corner of his eye. "If you don't mind me asking, what's a young lady like you doing hitchhiking all alone? It's not safe, you know."

I shrug, the lie coming easily. "My boyfriend dumped me. Wanted to surprise him for our anniversary, but I found him in bed with my best friend instead."

Hank makes a sympathetic noise, shaking his head. "That's rough. I'm sorry."

"It's okay. I'm better off without him." I stare out the window, watching the landscape change from rural to suburban to industrial as we approach the city. "I just want to start fresh, you know? Put the past behind me."

It's not entirely a lie. I do want to start fresh. But not in the way Hank thinks. I want to shed my skin, to transform from prey to predator.

To become someone Lucian won't see coming until it's too late.

We lapse into silence again, Hank humming tunelessly along with the country station crackling from the radio. I'm grateful for the quiet, for the chance to gather my thoughts and shore up my nerves.

All too soon, the truck is slowing, the Welcome to Philadelphia sign looming ahead. Hank pulls into a rest stop, his expression apologetic as he turns to me.

"This is as far as I can take you. You gonna be okay from here?"

I force a smile, my hand already on the door handle. "I'll be fine. Thanks again for the ride."

I hop down from the cab before he can say anything else, my feet hitting the pavement with a jarring thud.

I feel exposed, vulnerable, like a rabbit darting from cover to cover. Every instinct screams at me to run, to find a dark corner to cower in until the danger passes.

But I force myself to walk calmly across the parking lot, just another traveler stretching her legs.

I keep my head down, my hair falling forward to obscure my face. I can feel eyes on me, curious and assessing, but I don't acknowledge them.

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