Page 16 of Run Little Fawn

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It's not much… a mere delay of the inevitable. But it's all we have.

I reach out, my fingers hovering just above her cheek, tracing the delicate curve of her jaw without quite touching. She stirs slightly, a soft sigh escaping her lips, and I freeze, my heart pounding in my chest.

But she doesn't wake. She simply shifts and settles back into sleep, her face relaxing once more. I let out a breath I didn't realize I was holding, a chuckle escaping my lips.

"Sweet dreams, little fawn," I murmur, my voice low and rough with anticipation. "Enjoy your rest while you can. Because when you wake, the real game begins."

I step back, my eyes lingering on her for one last, long moment. And then I turn and slip out of the room, the door clicking softly shut behind me.

The Hunt is on, and I am ready.

Aria Moreau, you may run, you may fight, but in the end, you will be mine. Body, mind, and soul.

And I will savor every moment of breaking you.

Chapter Eight


The parking lot outside the 24/7 bar is a sea of cracked asphalt and faded paint, the neon signs casting an eerie glow over the handful of cars scattered across the lot.

Two hours. That's all I have left before the Hunt officially begins, before the twisted game I've been forced into kicks into high gear. Two hours to put as much distance between myself and the wolf on my heels as possible.

I scan the lot, my eyes searching for the perfect mark. I need a car, something cheap but reliable and unassuming that won't draw too much attention on the road. And I need it now, before the clock runs out and my head start disappears like smoke in the wind.

That's when I see it—a rusted-out Ford pickup, its paint chipped and its bumpers dented. It's the kind of car that screams "broke college student" or "down-on-his-luck blue-collar worker". In other words, it's exactly what I need.

I watch as the probable owner stumbles out of the bar, heading right toward it, his gait unsteady and his eyes glassy with alcohol. He fumbles with his keys, nearly dropping them twice before he manages to unlock the driver's side door.


I step off the curb, my steps quick and purposeful as I approach him. He looks up as I draw near, his brow furrowing in confusion and annoyance.

"Hey, man," I say, keeping my voice low and friendly. "I know this is gonna sound crazy, but I'm in a bit of a bind and I need to buy your truck."

He blinks at me, his mouth hanging open in a slack-jawed expression that would be comical if the situation weren't so dire. "Wha'?"

I pull out a wad of cash from my pocket, the bills crisp and new. "Three grand, cash. No questions asked. I just need the car, like, now."

His eyes widen, his gaze darting between the money and my face. I can practically see the wheels turning in his head, the alcohol-soaked gears grinding as he tries to process my offer.

"Three grand?" he slurs, his tongue thick and clumsy in his mouth. "For this ugly piece of shit?"

I nod, my heart pounding in my chest. "It still runs, doesn't it?" I ask pointedly.

"Sure does." He narrows his eyes, a sudden spark of cunning flaring to life in their depths. "Make it four and you got yourself a deal."

I resist the urge to roll my eyes. Of course he's going to try to haggle, even in his drunken state. But I don't have time for this, not with the clock ticking down and the wolf drawing ever closer.

"Fine," I snap, thrusting the money into his hands. "Four grand. Now give me the keys."

He blinks again, his fingers curling around the cash as if he can't quite believe it's real. And then a slow, stupid grin spreads across his face. "You got it, sweetheart."

I take the keys, my hands shaking. I can't believe I'm doing this. I adjust the duffel bag on my shoulder and go around for the door when the drunk calls, "Hey. Cou'd ya give me a ride?"

I give him a look of disgust, considering he was about to get behind the wheel like this a minute ago. "Take an Uber, you've got the cash," I mutter, slamming and locking the door behind me. I leave the asshole dazed and confused, gaping after me as I peel out of the parking lot.

She starts up right away, which is a relief. And a bit of a surprise. But I figured if I went for anything nicer, the owner wouldn't be too keen on selling it to a random stranger in a parking lot without notaries and all that bullshit.

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