Page 36 of XOXO

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“This is a nice place.” She was still looking around with wide eyes.

I parked the car then walked around and opened her door. I put my hand out to help her up and she took it. I couldn’t help the rumble in my chest. But every time I touched her, I didn’t want to let go.

She stood; her lips parted ever so slightly, her tongue darting across her bottom lip. Her eyes went to my mouth and my chest swelled with a deep breath. As it left me, my breath turned to a puff of white mist in the cold air.

“Why don’t we go inside?” I asked, my voice much deeper than I intended.

She pulled her hand from mine and tucked her bag close to her chest with both arms. “Sure.”

Shit. That was short. “Let me just grab my things from the back.” I walked back to the other side and grabbed my riding gear out then locked the car and waved her to the porch.

After unlocking the door, I reached inside and turned the light switch by the door to brighten the entryway and living room just to the right of the entrance and motioned for her to go inside. “Ladies first.”

She gave a tight smile, then stepped inside, still clutching her bag close. She craned her neck to look around.

I locked the door behind me out of habit then shoved my hands in my pockets. I couldn’t help but look over her round ass in the jeans she had practically painted on.

She looked over her shoulder and blinked a few times before her body turned and her brows drew together. “Is this some sort of game?”

“Game? What are you talking about?” I’d never been accused of such a thing. I never had a reason to play games.

“I’m just trying to make sense of you. I’ve caught you looking at me lots of times, but then hear you make promises you won’t mess with me. Why?” She took fast but short steps closer. Even though she was at least half a foot shorter than me, she was a little scary. “Is it because I’m not from here? Like, ‘oh, I’d never mess with her because’–”

“Stop.” I stepped in closer and leaned my head down so I could be closer to eye to eye. “Is that what you think of me?”

She shrugged, her bag still in her hands, and let out an exasperated breath. “I don’t know. Why else would you just stare but make it a point that you won’t mess with me?”

“First of all, I knew you were listening, and you heard the other stuff I said. So don’t start acting like this now. Second, I said I wouldn’t mess with you because Pipes was protecting you and you’re too good for someone like me.”

She slammed her bag to the floor and her eyes met mine, full of fire. “How dare you try to decide what’s best for me?” She put her finger in my face. “I already have parents, I don’t need another. And Pipes is nice, but he surely doesn’t get a say in who I choose to be with!”

Normally nobody would have their finger in my face long enough to get out a full sentence, but I was paralyzed.

“So that’s it? You have nothing to say?” She threw her hands up. “Perfect. You know what, just give me my keys. I’ll go back to the Spoke.”

That jolted me to react. “No,” I growled as she reached for the keys in my pocket. “You’re not leaving.”

“I will walk home if I have to, and you can’t stop me.”

She turned but I was still holding her wrist, so I jerked her back, causing her body to crash into mine.

“I can and I will.”

She tipped her head up and snarled at me. “Why? Why keep me here if you don’t even want me? Thanks for the ride but–”

I slammed my lips to hers and dug my fingers into the small of her back. Her body was tense but as I worked my tongue into her mouth, her muscles relaxed, and she melted against me. My hand released her wrist and wrapped around her, holding her close and she gripped my jacket.

My cock twitched in my pants so I broke away. “Adi,” I said in a breathy rumble.

“Stone,” she replied as she pressed herself closer. “Don’t stop now.”

She stretched to reach my mouth again, but I grabbed her shoulders. “Wait. I need to say something.”

“Right now?”

I laughed. Her needy tone was adorable. But before we continued, I had to clear this up. “I need to tell you I was a fool. A fool trying to be a decent guy, but still a fool. I should have just told you I wanted you the moment I first saw you at the Spoke. And you’re right. It’s up to you to decide who to be with. And I want you to be with me.”

Her eyes sparkled as she studied my face. “I know I’m not a cool biker chick, but I can't stop thinking about you. I want to be with you, too.”

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