Page 34 of XOXO

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“Why? You aren’t allowed to have another job?”

Shrugging, I answered, “The policy and procedure at my job is vague about outside jobs but does have a morality clause which leaves it wide open to be fired.”

“Are you serious? They’d fire you for making ends meet?” He stepped closer. “I’d pull the contract so fast it would make their head spin.”

“You can’t do that,” I said breathily. “It’s a contract.”

“I’d take their ass to court and drag it out for years just to show them they can’t treat you that way.”

My heart fluttered. “You’d do that, for me?”

“Yes.” He cleared his throat. “There’s a lot I’d like to do, but–”

“But what?”


Looking around Stone, Rickie was standing, tapping her pen on a receipt book. “Hey love, it looks a little slow. Why don’t you cut out early?”

My brows pulled together. She told me I could take the shift. I cocked my head at her, and she pointed her pen at Stone and nodded her head.

It finally clicked. She was trying to get me to go hang out with Stone. “Rickie, can I talk to you in the locker room for a minute?”

Stone’s face was still as serious and heated as it was moments ago. It felt like he was peering into my soul. It was invasive…and hot.

Once the door closed, Rickie grabbed my face, and her wide eyes were inches from mine. “Adi, stop fucking around. Take off and go hang out with him.”

“Wut?” I asked through my smushed cheeks. “I–”

“You like him. He likes you. Use this little drama to parlay it into your ‘how we got together’ story. It’s perfect.”

“But I work for him.”

“Well not forever. And you both have googly eyes and the whole bar is over it.” She pulled my face even closer. “Stop thinking with that big brain of yours and start thinking with your heart…and your lady bits.” She chuckled.

“You’re right. Fuck it. I may have just lost my other job anyway so what the hell.”

She let my face go then hugged me tight. “Go get ‘em, girl.”

I grabbed my bag and my coat and walked back out and headed to the bar. “Pipes, can I take off?”

“Sure thing, Adi. Hey, Stone,” he called out. When Stone turned around, Pipes yelled, “Can you see that this lady gets home safe. The roads are getting bad.”

Did they all plan this? No. They couldn’t have planned on douche canoe showing up and threatening my day job.

Stone walked over to me and pulled my coat from my arms then helped me work it on. “It’s cold out. Why don't I drive your car home for you.”

Pulling my hair from the collar of my coat, I asked, “What about your bike?”

A low growl came from him as he leaned closer. “You’ll be on the bike soon enough.”

Sweet baby cheezits. I wanted to just grab his beard and eat his face off.

“But it’s not safe right now. It’s been drizzling and the temps have fallen a lot in just the last hour. C’mon,” he said as he put his hand out.

My heart pounded in my chest and suddenly I didn’t care about anything but the way my hand fit into his huge one. It was warm, and practically engulfed mine.

I’d like to engulf something on him for sure. Oh my God…I may be about to do just that.

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