Page 23 of XOXO

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My head jerked toward the table. “To what?”

Tango cocked his head. “To me, fucker. We’re here to talk about the ride.”

I rolled my eyes and turned my body a little so I could look at him but still look back without drawing too much attention.

“Just go talk to her and get it over with so we could get on with it,” Bear grumbled.

“Why, got a hot date?” I asked, to take the heat off me.

Bear rubbed his hand down his beard. “Not yet, but I got my eye on someone. But I can’t do shit if I’m stuck here with you all night.”

Mac pulled out his computer and started it up just as Adi came back with our drinks. She leaned between me and Bear, turning sideways to reach over and put the bottles on the table in front of each of us.

She put mine down last and looked down with eyes the shade of my favorite cognac that was dark and spicy with a slight hint of sweet on the end. I bet she tastes the same.

Her bottom lip rolled in, and I was suddenly jealous of her teeth, wishing it were mine digging into the soft flesh. I shifted in my seat, hoping the growing bulge would stop.

Her head dipped a little and she looked away again. “Anyone need an appetizer or food?”

“We’re good for now. I’m Tango by the way. And that’s Mac, Bear, and that idiot is Stone.”

I looked over at him and grinned. Oh, he was gonna get it later.

“Cool. Again.” She put a hand to her chest, “I’m Adi. I’ll be by in a bit, but just holler if you need me.” Her eyes darted back to me briefly and her tongue darted over that plush bottom lip I wanted to take a nibble on before she walked away.

Tango patted his hand on the table making the bottles clank. “Okay. Let’s finish talking about the ride and look at the budget for renovations to the clubhouse–I mean office building–so I can get home to my woman.”

For years we used our current building as the clubhouse. That was before we went straight. Years of partying and questionable business left some areas in disrepair. But we were growing in leaps and bounds and needed to fix those issues and open up some space for more employees. We also needed to get some of the old rooms looked at for office space.

You’d think it would be as simple as throwing a desk in, but apparently some folks didn’t want to work in what looked like a seedy hotel room.

“We need to get some estimates with contractors. Stone, can get your head out of your ass long enough to do that?”

Rolling my eyes, I turned fully toward him. “I’m on it. Got interviews with a few contractors this week. My issue is the damn ride permits.”

Mac chimed in. “I can dig up some dirt if you need me to.”

Bear smirked but Tango shot it down. “We’re not there yet. I’ll go to the city council meeting and rub some elbows. Just take care of the bids for the building.”

We finished our beers and everyone else got up in a hurry to take off. I took my time getting my gear back on. Everyone else had started to pile out but I was contemplating my next move. I watched Adi as she gave her order to Pipes.

She had a full tray and was trying to manage it as she walked to the nearby table. When she was done passing out the drinks, I walked over to her.

“Adi,” I said as I tapped her on the shoulder.

She turned and her eyes went wide. “Can I help you?” she asked in a customer service voice that didn’t quite match the rigid expression.

I was a bold man, but I also could read the room and she was tense. Whether it was the new job or me, I couldn’t be sure. So instead of testing the waters, I simply held my hand out with some cash for her. “I just wanted to be sure you got this. I don’t recognize all the patches in here.” Lies. I knew everyone. They’d never swipe the money from these ladies or steal from the Spoke.

She tucked the tray under her arm and took the cash with the other. “Thanks. Have a great night.” She gave a forced smile then headed over to another table.

“Stone,” Pipes called as I started to head toward the door.

Turning to walk over, I put my arm across and shook my brother’s hand. “Hey man. Pretty busy for a Monday night.”

He smiled and gave a slight nod. “Mmhmm. Don’t scare off my new girl, alright?”

My hand flew to my chest. “What? I was just paying her.”

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