Page 118 of XOXO

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Pine: Okay *kiss emoji*

When I looked up, Tin had a goofy grin on his face. “What?”

He took a sip of his drink. “Nothing. You’re just smiling hard.”

I could feel my cheeks relax and there was pain in my cheek muscles. He laughed and took another drink. I flicked him off and put my phone away. It’s time to forget about Tricia.

Chapter 12


I’ve been gone for three days due to work and it seems like the days are getting longer. I’ve talked to Jackson every day that I’ve been gone and even on the road here. I had the option to ride the bus with the others but I opted to drive. I wanted to get back as soon as possible. Who would’ve thought I’d be happy in a relationship today? As I put the final touches the document I was working on, I hurried the laptop closed. I stood quickly and looked at my team.

“I’m finished and I’ll head out.”

One of my coworkers gave me a knowing look. “Have someone waiting for you, huh?”

I smile shyly. “Yep.”

“Be careful on the road.”

I wave my goodbyes and gather my things. The cool air hits me as I walk out and I hurry to the car to escape the wind. I finished a day early and am excited because I get to surprise Jackson. My cheeks hurt from smiling and my voice is getting hoarse from singing almost every song that came across the radio. I had a four hour drive and I’ve never been so ready for a road trip. I can’t wait to see the look on his face when I get home.

The music was blasting and the weather was beautiful. The sun was shining through my rolled up windows and felt good on my skin. It was still to cold to roll the windows down but the sun was a relief to see. The four hours breezed by as I rolled down the highway. The closer I got to home, the more my smile rose on my face. I was going to call Jackson and tell him I was coming home early but I decided against it. The traffic started to pick up when I got closer to the city and the music was becoming more erratic which grated my nerves. I turned the radio off and breathed in the silence of the car. Hearing the tires roll down the highway was kind of therapeutic. I finally made it to the exit that took me to Jackson’s house and my stomach had butterflies. I missed his kisses. As I pulled up to the house, I saw a woman sitting on the stairs of his house. I could feel my brow furrow. Is Jackson not home? I pulled into the driveway and hurried out the car. The woman looked to have been crying which made me move closer to her faster.

“Miss? Are you okay?”

She looked up with a tear stained face and I expected her face to look sad but she looked irritated or angry.

“Who are you? Why are you talking to me?”

I was so taken aback, that I literally stepped backwards. “I’m sorry.”

“Whatever. We didn’t order anything so you can go away.”

I was confused. “Excuse me? Order something? I’m not delivering anything.”

Her eyes searched my face and she got an excited spark in her eye.

“Are you a friend of Jackson’s?”

I looked at her with apprehension. “You could say that. Who are you?”

“His girlfriend.”

At that I paused and raised my brow. “I’m sorry?”

“You heard me. I’m his girlfriend.”

I had to shake my head to clear it to make sure I heard right. I looked at her befuddled and finally made my way around her watching her from the corner of my eye. I hurried to the door and knocked.

“GO AWAY! LEAVE ME ALONE!” Jackson’s voice on the other side caught me off guard.

“Jackson? Are you okay?”

The locks clicked and the door swung open. His eyes were wide with surprise as he stared at me.

“Pine!” His voice was low as he opened the door wide for me.

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