Page 1 of Her Dark Knight

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“I’m telling you…I want that courier in front of me by tomorrow morning. I know he’s up to something and I have a feeling that I’m gonna break him and then I’m gonna take care of him. For good.”

I glare at my brother, Tomas, and he growls under his breath. “I’m doing my best. The dickhead disappeared and my guys are having a hard time tracking him down.”

“Then get more guys. Try fucking harder. This is ridiculous. We run the biggest organization in Washington and it’s stupid that I cannot get my hands on one damn guy that I know is fucking stealing from our organization.”

Tomas grimaces. “You think I don’t know that. I absolutely know that we need to get this locked down before it comes out and we’re a fucking laughingstock among the families.”

“Then find…him,” I grit out between clenched teeth, stalking across the parking lot to my dark SUV sitting a few feet away from us. “I want this wrapped up before the meeting in two days. There’s no way I want this to come out without a punishment. We need to make sure that no ballsy asshole decides that it’s okay to raid from our coffers. Punishment makes them think twice before they try.”

“I know that,” Tomas grunts under his breath as he stalks after me. “I’m doing my best, asshole. Keep it under control.”

“You get it under control,”I growl as I reach my car and the driver hops out to open the back door.

A loud pop cracks through the night and my driver, Enzo, drops to one knee and then falls face first to the ground.

“What the hell?” Tomas snarls and then pushes me in the back seat before crouching and running into the night.

I jerk myself up and pull my gun out, my eyes searching in the dark lot. I don’t see anything at first but then I see movement off to my right. I do not fire though. I can’t say for sure that that is not Tomas.

Frustration eats at me and my finger tightens on the gun, needing to do something, anything.

My brother is out there somewhere and he’s tackling an unknown danger on his own. I don’t like it. I don’t do inaction. It’s not in my nature.

After what feels like forever but in actuality it was probably only minutes, I hear thuds and then silence.

Tomas appears in the open door and growls, “Why didn’t you shut the fucking door? The whole car is bulletproof and you’d be safe.”

“I don’t need to be safe, asshole. Not when you’re wandering around out there chasing someone.”

“You’re the head of the organization. You need to stay safe.”

“You’re my brother. So do you. Did you find him?”

“Nope.” He bends down and his fingers touch Enzo’s throat and he sighs, shaking his head. “He’s dead.”

I groan under my breath. “He’s been with me forever. I can’t believe this. Who would want to kill me?”

Tomas laughs, “You immediately jump to they’re after you.”

“Yeah. Because there’s absolutely no one who would want to kill Enzo.”

“Not entirely true but I think they were shooting at you. And you know damn well there’s a long list of people who would love to kill you. Any of the leaders of the families would love to take over our territory and if you’re dead, the organization would have some serious problems with in-fighting.”

I shake my head. “You know damn well that you’d be in charge.”

“I don’t want it. You better not die because I do not want it.”

I roll my eyes. I know damn well that if he had to he’d take over. He might not like it but this is our life. And if some mysterious, faceless asshole took me out, I know that he’d fucking wreck this town to find the person who did it and then he’d end them in the messiest damn way he could.

My brother does not suffer fools lightly. And if you go after me…you’re a damn fool. You’re gonna die.

“I’m gonna go look around. I’ve already called Tony and he’s on his way out here.” He glances down and even in the dark I can see the sadness in his eyes. “He’ll take care of Enzo.”

“I’ll drive myself back to the house and then I’m gonna go see Trudy.”

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