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“Alright kids, be good,” Albert says, leading us out towards the SUV. “Meredith and I will be back in the morning. We’re going to the beach house tonight.”

I don’t miss the mischievous grin that Enzo gives me. A little tingle starts in my core and travels up my spine.

The house will be all ours tonight. Finally.

“Yes, sir. We’ll be home as soon as the princess here has her fill of red carpet life,” Enzo says drolly.

Albert cracks a smile and Nico helps me up into the backseat of the car. Enzo comes along the other side to get in, effectively sandwiching me between them.

Heat climbs up my spine. Between them is my favorite place to be.

Alec gets behind the wheel of the car and the guards follow in a car behind us.

The second we’re out of sight of the house, Nico and Enzo have their hands on me again.

With Alec in the car, they keep it mostly PG but my cheeks are still flaming red and my heart is pounding by the time we arrive at the hotel.

I want to know what it’s like to walk a red carpet and have this experience, but I also really, really want to go home again.

My pussy clenches with need as I look around the luxury hotel.

Everyone around us is dressed to the nines. I’m grateful that Albert insisted on my dress being couture. The sheer wealth and extravagance present is overwhelming.

An actual red-carpet lines the stairs as we climb up to the ballroom.

Waiters in white suits mingle, holding trays of sparkling water in champagne flutes and little appetizers.

It feels surreal.

Nico has my hand wrapped in his and Enzo has my other arm tucked into his elbow. They are both tall, intimidating, and devastatingly handsome tonight in their fitted tuxes.

All eyes are on us as we make our way through the crowded room to find Alec’s reserved table.

I don’t miss the jealous eyes of several of my new classmates when they get a look at my men in their finery. I still want to pinch myself when I think about how hot they are and how they somehow are mine.

“You look so pretty! That color is perfect for you!” One of the girls at the table says. I don’t recognize her but she’s smiling up at me from the lap of one of the guys. I smile back.

“Thank you! I love your hair!”

Enzo makes the introductions, but the names of the others go in one ear and out the other. The beat of the music is calling my name. Conversation can be later – right now, I want to dance.

I set my purse down and take in the magical setting. The movie screening starts in an hour and the cocktail hour is in full swing.

“Dance with me,” I command, pulling my men out to the dance floor.

We dance, sway, and twirl to the music. I can feel eyes on us but in this moment, I choose to push the feelings of awkwardness away. We’re dressed up. We’re free.

I want to enjoy it. Screw the people who are judging us.

By the time we return to the table, the others are busy in their own conversations. Alec talks to Nico and Enzo but it’s obvious that our little trio doesn’t quite fit in with the rest of the table.

That’s okay.

“Do you want to get out of here?” I ask Enzo.

It’s barely 10pm and we haven’t even gotten to see the movie yet, but I’ve had more fun than I thought I would, and I can’t stop thinking about getting them alone.

“I thought you’d never ask,” he replies, bringing my hand up for a kiss. “Nico, let’s go. Princess wants to go home.”

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