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His heavy gaze burns as he stares at me.

“Say something,” I snap, reaching for my eyelash curler.

His lip curls and he gives his head a slow shake.

“You’re taking online courses now,” he says.

I put the eyelash curler down and stare at him through the mirror.

“No – I am enrolled at Millerton U and I’m going to class.”


I roll my eyes at him and move to push past him. I literally don’t have time for his bullshit this morning.

When he doesn’t budge, I take a step back to glare at him. “Did you not hear me? I’m going to class and I don’t want to be late. Move.”

He stares at me with an inscrutable expression.

“Maybe you didn’t hear me, Christina.” He steps closer, “You’re not going.”

I scoff. “It’s the middle of the semester and I’m a scholarship student. I have to maintain Satisfactory Academic Progress or I lose my scholarship so, yeah, I will be going to class.

Thanks, though.”

At this rate, I’m going to have to skip coffee with Julia and go straight to school if I’m going to make it on time.

He moves so he’s entirely blocking the door. Just standing there like a big, immovable, irritatingly sexy rock.

I blink at him, waiting for an explanation, or a punchline. Maybe this is all some elaborate joke. Any second now, he’ll laugh, crack a smile and step to the side. My heart beats faster with every second that goes by with no response.

How dare they try to mess with my future? My education!

“Do you know what year it is, or do you just subscribe to some traditional crap about the woman being in the kitchen? Is that it? Are you just sexist?”

I put my hands on my hips, refusing to back down or show weakness. I won’t give in. Not to him. Not on this. My future depends on it.

“Sexist? No. Realist, yes.” He takes another step closer. “And I know exactly what year it is, sweetheart. It’s the year you get married. Congratulations.”

“Married?” I scoff. “How about, no. I refuse. There, problem solved.”

He smirks at me again and I want to slap him.

“Do you enjoy hearing me repeat my words or are you genuinely confused, Christina?

Because if you’re confused this easily, I don’t think higher education was really ever going to pan out.”

“Wow,” I say blandly, turning away from him, “What a big surprise, you’re still an asshole! I don’t have time for this. I’m running late. Scamper off to whatever it is you do all day.”

This has to be their version of a sick and twisted joke. Like, a weird stepsibling hazing thing.

To actually expect me to get married at nineteen is ludicrous. Besides, there’s no way I’m going to throw away everything I’ve worked for.

He studies me with a predatory look in his eye and that bad feeling starts up again.

The more I watch him and his body language, the more anger, combined with a cold, sticky panic begins to slip down my spine. Tears well in my eyes and I blink them back furiously. I hate that I’m a crier.

“Tears won’t save you, Angel.” He mocks me.

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