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I startle when I hear the door open and close, but he doesn’t stray from his focus.

“Shh, it’s all right,” he croons into my neck. I feel his muscles shift beneath me, encasing me tighter. “You’re alright. You’re safe.”

In some weird way, I believe him. Maybe it’s not the kind of safety I’m used to, but this man – this stranger who has me held up against him, does make me feel safe.

I don’t think I could hide myself if I wanted to, and whoever just walked into this room is going to get a show because I would rather die right now than tell him to stop.

Maybe I need therapy. Maybe I’m just spiraling after the whole shitshow with Matt. I should be disgusted by the very idea.

But the idea of my sexy stranger touching me, displaying me this way – it’s causing heat to pool between my legs.

Oh God.

“What’s your name, sweetheart?” He asks. His dark gaze is steady, burning me as he looks me up and down.

I hear the footsteps of the other person behind us, but I can’t turn around to see, my attention held hostage by the man in front of me.

“Your name?” He presses, licking his lips.

His full, perfect lips.

“C-Christina,” I stutter, desperately trying to even out my breathing. I don’t want him to know just how nervous he makes me. I swallow.

“Christina.” My name rolls off his tongue with a slight accent. Italian, I think. I love the way it sounds.

He places several soft kisses along my neck as a reward and my entire body comes alive. More. I want more.

“A beautiful name for a beautiful woman.”

“What’s yours? Your name, I mean?”

His thumb trails along the inside of my thigh and I temporarily lose the ability to form words.

“Nico. And this is Enzo.” He nods in the other’s direction. Definitely Italian.

The larger man from before sits on the edge of the table across from us. His frame appears even larger in this small space. He hands me a drink. I smile when I realize it’s still sealed.

“Thank you,” I say, looking up at him, realizing how much the two men look alike. Both have dark hair and dark eyes, but there’s a subtle difference this close. This one across from me, Enzo, is softer, kinder, despite his large appearance.

Enzo shrugs. “That asshole is gone, don’t worry, princess.” His dark eyes stare into mine. I could get lost in those eyes very, very easily.

“Took care of him.”

His lips quirk, and he glances over my head at Nico.

“Is she alright?” Enzo asks, this time clearly speaking to Nico.

“She’s fine.” Nico’s hands move to grip my thighs, his thumbs pressing so close to my underwear that I fear he’ll feel how aroused I am from this alone.

“Just a little nervous.” There’s humor in his tone, probably at my sharp intake of breath.

Enzo smiles, leaning closer. “Do we make you nervous, princess? Do you want us to get you a car home?”

The scent of smoke and something coppery clings to his skin. It’s musky and masculine and draws me towards him. I consider his words and what he’s offering.

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