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Herbert gave her directions and told her where to find him as she wrote his address on a crumpled receipt from the bottom of her purse.

“Come as soon as possible, but in one week I make a call to Sammy,” he warned her again before hanging up.

“Whatever,” she said into an empty line. She hung her head, wondering how she’d ask Hunter or Dylan to accompany her back into what might be another lion’s den. The fierce creatures he’d already sent were bad enough.

Then again she didn’t want Herbert to give Sammy any more ammunition. He already knew her general location near Enclave, since Ted had obviously informed him by now.

If Mick had owed Herbert any money, and Sammy found out, he would immediately pay him off to add leverage to the sum he already felt she owed. She’d seen that happen before, too.

So unfair.

Then she remembered her car was broken down. A woeful sigh escaped her lips and echoed across the huge bathroom. She shouldn’t even be used to having a car, but after a week of vehicular convenience, she was apparently hooked.

No dependable car and far away from her former home made any plan difficult.

According to Herbert, she had a week to think about her options. Her initial plan had been to stay with Dylan and Hunter only for a night or two.

Now she hoped they’d still be interested for more than just last night. Her previous experience said she should be grateful she’d been able to stay over at all. Given all the grief she’d brought along with her, she wondered if they would cast her out of their home at the first light of the new day. Obviously they’d just been too tired last night.

Beyond the unfamiliar panic of waking up naked between the two of them, the next emotion had been a rush of joy and pleasure. She had truly felt safe tucked between them. Maybe for the first time in her life. Certainly safer than she’d ever felt before.

She’d only been in bed a couple of hours so far. The ache at the back of her head told her she hadn’t had enough sleep.

While she’d never spent a whole night with a man before, let alone two men, Lilianna decided to enjoy the time with them for as long as it was available.

Tiptoeing back to bed, she inserted herself carefully between the two of them. Hunter’s back faced her once she got snuggled back in place.

She ran her fingertips along the muscle of his arm. He didn’t move. She didn’t want to wake him. Not really. But she loved the idea of being able to touch him whenever she wanted. She was becoming attached. That was dangerous.

Given their unusual lifestyle, permanence probably wasn’t a factor in any future regardless of what Dylan had said last night. But she hoped for a little bit more time. A week at least. But ultimately, she needed a more detailed future plan. And Sammy wasn’t going to make it easy for her.

Dylan’s arm suddenly shifted and wrapped around her as if he’d heard her troubled thoughts and wanted to comfort her. Her heart flipped over in her chest at the unexpected gesture. This was perhaps a dangerous rest stop to make, but she wanted to hang with them as long as they would allow it.

Her new immediate plan of action? Remain here in sexual paradise with the two of them until they no longer wanted her.

Chapter Seven

Hunter owed his previous success in the clandestine field in part to the fact he was a light sleeper. Even when he’d only gotten the bare necessity of sleep to function, he could sense the world around him and could wake quickly if needed.

This skill had kept him out of trouble and offered up unexpected information on occasion. He’d woken the moment Lilianna stepped from his bed early this morning.

He’d also gotten up and listened at the door to the bathroom when she’d made a call a little after six o’clock in the morning. He heard her voice, but not what she said. The only three words he distinguished were “return,” listen,” and “trouble” from her conversation.

Was she asking someone to return for her? Was she saying to listen because she expected trouble? The possible permutations of those three words put together into any meaningful explanation or sentence were too high to count. She could be talking about anything from what had happened last night with the Feds and the fires to a day at the spa with her best girlfriends from back home.
